Keeping Fit

Keeping Fit

Keeping Fit

Fitness is so important to a Lady’s health! If you are not fit you might tire easily or never have a good amount of energy. Your health and happiness suffer when you don’t take optimal care of yourself. Most everything in life requires consistency and your body is no exception! If you want to live a full, amazing life, you must be in optimal health, and part of your health requires that you keep fit!

The good news is that there are many ways to get exercise! Some ladies might choose to walk or jog while others prefer to bicycle. Or a lady might prefer weight training while others might choose yoga. You have to choose what is most beneficial to you. And you might have to change the workouts along and along as your needs change.

I once heard a lovely tip that I want to share – “Ladies shouldn’t exercise with anything heavier than three-pound dumbbells because a lady should look toned, not like a bodybuilder.” I really appreciated that! In the process of getting fit or maintaining your fitness, you should always remember that you are a lady (not a world champion bodybuilder!) and exercise accordingly!

Having an active interest in your exercise routine can produce wonderful results! Discover what type of workout you are inclined towards and find a program that suits you! It really is quite enjoyable and much more interesting if you’ve put the effort into finding the right routine for yourself! Read up on it, do your research and find which exercises address which muscles and where they help you tone!

How do you choose your workout program? You might begin with your age. If you are young, the target areas that you may want to address might be different than if you were in your 40s and wanting to keep toned. Another factor might be what your fitness goals are. Maybe you are looking to lose weight or maybe you are needing a special workout to help strengthen an injury. There really are so many different things to consider!

Personally, when I’m looking for a new workout I look for an attractive lady who teaches the training (and also one that doesn’t take too long!). My thinking is that a woman should have the best idea of how to exercise a woman’s body properly. And if she presents herself well – a toned body and an attractive appearance – I won’t mind if through exercising my toning begins to resemble hers!

You can accomplish remarkable things through exercise! There is almost no limit to what you can train yourself to do! It’s fascinating and so exciting! And there are so many resources out there – and even pretty exercise clothes! – we really are without excuse!

Do you enjoy exercising? Or is it more of a discipline? How could you make it more enjoyable for yourself? If you could picture the “perfect” workout routine, what would it look like? I’d love it if you’d share!

Until Next Time!


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