Making the Most of Opportunities

Making the Most of Opportunities

Do you like to seize opportunities? To make the most of them? It’s something new that I am trying – and I must say that I recommend it!

Opportunities can be obvious or they can be subtle. You might feel inspired to further investigate them or you might feel intimidated and shy away from them. Whatever your reaction, whatever the opportunity, stop and recognize them for what they contain – direction.

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes and for a number of reasons.


  • Propel us further
  • Deter us
  • Encourage our hearts
  • Provide us with a new dream

Propel us further

As you are going about your day-to-day, doing your routine, working towards your goals, do you ever get to a point that instead of making just a step of progress, you make a leap?! This can come in the form of a gift or a promotion you were expecting.

I can’t tell you which is my favorite way to be propelled! Gifts or surprises are always delightful, especially when it involves working with people (and even more especially, my family!)! I so enjoy working with others and when the roles are reversed, I love helping them in return! I like the people God has placed in my life!

Other times, when I’ve been working and working on something and have been faithful in the little by little, nothing is more rewarding than reaching the moment where the goal or milestone is accomplished! Whenever I achieve a large goal and see the evidence of it, it is so fulfilling!

Deter us

Do you ever have that moment where you are working towards a goal, and a distraction comes along? Something draws you away from what you have been working towards and the opportunities that this new idea offers are even better than what you have been working towards?

Or perhaps you’ve been working towards a goal, and try as you might, it’s not coming together. You thought this was the direction that you were supposed to be going, but things are just not working out. Though this can be disheartening, don’t get discouraged. Pray and ask God about it. He is remarkable about giving specific answers to specific prayer, but you have to ask!

If your goals get deterred due to a lack of opportunities, take heart. Opportunities provide direction and all things work together for those who love God!

Encourage our hearts

Opportunities can wow and amaze us! God loves blessing us and encouraging our hearts! And I must say, I love His encouragement! I love when He moves mountains and people attitudes towards us! Nothing is more wonderful than knowing that God is pleased with us and wants to bless us!

Provide us with a new dream

Things don’t always work out the way we anticipate or the way that we think we want them to. But that is truly a blessing! God sees the big picture, He knows the plans He has for us! If we will keep our focus on Him, He will fill our hearts with dreams of what He has for us! And I love that!

For a time, I worried about wanting anything too dearly. Dreams and opportunities can seem fleeting and the last thing I wanted to do was get too attached and then hurt when they didn’t work out. But then God gave me a new perspective! He refreshed my heart and gave me a new focus, a new prayer! A confidence and peace in Him that is beyond what I knew to ask for!

He has given me new dreams and new goals! He has shown me a whole new meaning to faith and a deeper understanding that nothing is impossible for Him!

Make the most of your opportunities

The opportunities that He has blessed me with have definitely propelled me when things felt slow and they have deterred me from things that I later realize weren’t the best of ideas. Opportunities have encouraged my heart and have given me a new dream and direction!

So let me encourage you, whatever the opportunity that presents itself – be brave and bold! Pursue this opportunity, or pay heed to a change in course. Opportunities do not accomplish themselves. Pray about them and give them your best!

What opportunities have you encountered? Have you pursued them? If not, what has held you back? I’d love it if you would share!

Until Next Time!


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