A Golden Anniversary

He saw her for the first time in Sunday School. With her short, dark hair and horn-rimmed glasses she definitely caught his eye. He decided to get to know her – to tell her some of his best jokes. But she wasn’t interested. Unlike many of her friends from high school, she didn’t have a serious relationship at the time nor was she looking for one.

A week passed. He expected to see her the next Sunday as he went in to Sunday School, but she wasn’t there. Nor the Sunday after that.

Not to be dissuaded or discouraged, he headed to the closest drugstore for some flowers and a Get Well card. He strolled up to her door with the card and flowers and presented them after ringing the bell.

“What’s this for?” she asked.

“Well, you hadn’t returned to church. I figured the only reason must be that you were sick,” he responded, tickled by his own cleverness.

That’s how they met – more than fifty years ago! And this year we have the honor of celebrating their fiftieth anniversary! Such a blessing to call these wonderful people our parents!

Let me tell you a bit more about them! Bill was born in Florida, Kandy in Ohio. From their first meeting, Bill was certain of their future and soon set to convincing Kandy. His determination and good humor began to win her over and soon they were married!

Marriage brought many joys, as well as many trials. Bill joined the Army and was sent to basic training days after saying “I do”. Kandy worked in town until she went to be with Bill once he was through basic training.

While in the service, Bill took college courses and worked multiple jobs. Kandy stayed home to train and school their little ones. Part of me wishes I could have known them then – seen their story firsthand. It truly is remarkable and so endearing!

Fast forward more than thirty years and more than twenty moves later. Bill took a job in the Lowcountry and he and Kandy began to call it home. Between the military and working for different companies as an engineer, they had moved frequently as a family. Delightfully, the Lowcountry has seemed to stick and has been their longest home of any!

Living in the sunny Lowcountry has many perks, specifically the playground and ice cream sundaes which Bill and Kandy enjoy treating their grandchildren to! They enjoy parades, parks, and visiting local shops and restaurants.

Fifty years, eight children and thirty-three grandchildren later, Bill and Kandy seem more in love than ever! They are sincerely the sweetest couple I know! Living life together has it’s ups and downs, but Bill and Kandy have weathered them so commendably!

If you were to ask them how they have done it – and not just done it, but done it well – I’m sure they would tell you it was by God’s favor and grace. Their faith has brought them a long way. It has impacted each of us.

As a young man, Bill learned the importance of doing his own research and taking responsibility for His life. He is constantly learning new things and improving himself. Through is example, his whole family has benefited! Kandy has always had the sweetest heart and takes thoughtful care of others. I have never known her to skimp on anything – everything receives extra work and special touches. Their examples and hearts for others inspires each of us! I am so grateful that God chose them to be our parents!

Happy Golden Anniversary, Daddy and Mama! You mean the world to us! God bless you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Have you read the story about the Red Sports Car – you will enjoy it! https://www.theamericanlady.com/2017/09/06/a-love-story/

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