Keeps You on Your Toes

Have you heard that phrase, “Keeps you on your toes”? I was reminded of it just the other day.

We were getting ready for a company meeting. Things are shifting and we are introducing new policies and I couldn’t help but think how change pushed you forward. It keeps you on your toes. Obviously, this is assuming that the change is good and positive – ideally it is.

If you don’t change things, you can’t improve. You can’t innovate and discover new potential. Without change, things become dull and uninspiring.

Good, positive change requires creativity and optimism.

Ringing in the New Year is a common time to consider goals and plans. A new year is like a new day – fresh, with no mistakes. But instead of letting your goals and plans slide by the wayside three weeks in to the new year, why not keep them right in front of you?!

I typically think of goals as steps forward. Increase sales, reach a larger audience, etc. But what if we set goals that change up what we already do? Instead of trying to reach more people, why not serve those we reach better, more promptly. I’ve heard it said time and time again, that when you focus on doing what you need to do exceptionally well, the growth takes care of itself.

This can be applied in so many ways. I apply it to sales since I am in retail. But what if you are a student or a mother or an employee? Let’s consider each of these roles.

Students: whether you are about to graduate or have several more years in front of you, you are a student. Have you honed in on what you plan to do once you have graduated? Even if your plan is to help the family business for a time while you decide what you really want to do – have you determined that decision? Pray about it and talk to your parents. A goal or destination is necessary in order to progress towards it.

How are your grades? Are you enthusiastic about life? Your answers should be resounding positive answers – grades are great and God has blessed me with a remarkable life! But what if you don’t really feel the enthusiasm, the joie de vivre? Then you need to make some changes. Determine what needs to change in order to experience joy and enthusiasm! Help others, study more so that you can ace your tests, etc. Imagine the best life you can, and then work towards it!

Mothers: new or mothers of multiple children, every single one of us wants to keep life fresh and joy-filled. How can this be accomplished between sleepless nights and diaper changes? (Though I am technically not a mother, I am an aunt, so I like to think I have a hint of an idea of motherhood.) My sisters navigate it gracefully, but I understand that just like any other vocation in life, it can definitely have challenges.

Much like with students, or with any role, imagine the best version of that life that you can imagine. And then make changes to lead you towards that beautiful picture. Life will always have things come up that we don’t anticipate. Have grace and remember that every story is unique. Be your best self and enjoy the role that God hand-picked for you to fill!

Employees: whether this is your first job or you have been working for years, this idea can apply to you too! It boils down to being your best. Do you have an eye for leadership? Be the type of employee that you dream of leading. Do you admire one individual in particular who really owns their job and always has a great attitude? Emulate them.

Find someone or brainstorm some idea that you see as incredibly inspiring and then work towards that! Even if your employer isn’t inspiring or doesn’t require high standards, require them of yourself (and as soon as you can, find somewhere to work that does motivate and inspire you). Plain and simple, be your best and remember that you work for God and not for man.

In closing, let me just remind you that these changes are all steps. Steps that lead to the next step that lead to the next. Don’t let yourself feel too overwhelmed with the process of becoming your best. Just start somewhere. Change keeps you on your toes, but change is where average becomes extraordinary!

May God bless your year and your goals as you seek to be your best for Him!

Until Next Time,


PS. Are you familiar with the phrase “Joie de Vivre”? It can be translated as “the exuberant enjoyment of life”. Isn’t that an amazing and descriptive definition? I find it so inspiring! You can read more here:

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