Take a Walk

Take a Walk

Stop and smell the roses, pause and take a walk.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here in the South Carolina Lowcountry lately. Positively refreshing and energizing! In the midst of work and busyness, I’ve been enjoying slipping away for just a few minutes to get some fresh air and clear my head.

I love being outside! Somehow things just seem a bit clearer and thoughts that may have been weighing on my mind seem to sort themselves out.

The Pause that Refreshes

Taking a break from busyness can be a good thing. Yes, there are certainly times when we need to keep our head down and stick to our tasks, but it is also good to remember to pause and refresh.

Sometimes things weigh on me. Circumstances, conversations, things I need to do. Stepping out for a few moments from those things can be an enormous encouragement! It gives me a different perspective and the opportunity to pray about what’s on my mind. It also gives me a chance to give intentional thought to how I want to think about things.

Shifting my paradigm can truly be the difference in night and day! And that is no exaggeration! But this is a very intentional thing I have to do, it is not automatic to me.

Renew Your Mind

Pausing to take a walk and change the channel helps to renew your mind too. You can not only decide how you want to think about something, but you can also remind yourself of what you know to be true!

When I get discouraged I love to remind myself of the promises God makes His people:

  • He will never leave or forsake us,
  • He has very specific plans for us,
  • God gives us a hope and a future,
  • He is with us always, etc.

This past week I was out of sorts. Even knowing that God holds me in the palm of His hand, I was uncertain and uneasy about circumstances. I’d love not to struggle in this way, but not only am I human, I’m a girl. It’s part of our design.

But through my crazy struggle, I knew that it was temporary. I knew that encouragement and brighter days were just moments away! And do you know, that was exactly so! Partially, and truly only partially, due to feedback I received, but mostly due to an encouraged heart and remembering to focus on what I know to be true!

Have a Wonderful Day!

So when struggles and doubts arise, which we know they will, remember that brighter days are ahead! God renews our strength, He fuels us in what we do if we will focus and cast our cares on Him!

May God bless you in your work and in your day! Remember to pause and take a walk as you are able!

Until Next Time!


PS. A little more encouragement for your day: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2020/03/11/make-the-most-of-it/

2 Replies to “Take a Walk”

  1. Merry Burdick says: Reply

    Spring such such a pretty time for walks too…🥰🥰🥰

    1. Truly!!

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