Enthusiasm Makes the Difference

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference – isn’t that an inspiring book title?! Now that I’ve discovered Norman Vincent Peale I just knew I had to read it.

I appreciate his take on the importance of living an enthusiastic life. His reminds us that one’s perspective or paradigm can be the difference between excelling and merely existing. And I don’t know about you, but I want to excel!

Enthusiasm is Powerful

I found this quote regarding enthusiasm inspiring:

Enthusiasm is no Pollyannish, sweetness and light, bright and fortuitous concept. It is a strong, rugged mental attitude that is hard to achieve, difficult to maintain but powerful – so powerful!

I delight in that description, the picture those words paint. It is so incredibly accurate.

Enthusiasm isn’t a stupidly optimistic point of view, but rather a determination to discover the good. If we are serving God and giving Him our best than we can be certain that no matter how bleak things might look, there is good in the situation. That’s where the strong, rugged mental attitude comes in – it denies what we feel and clings to what we know.

Enthusiasm is Constant Work

Enthusiasm takes constant work. Ongoing determination to practice positive thinking and see the good in what is going on around us. Life isn’t fair. It never has been and never will be.

On the one hand, we can rejoice that it isn’t for God is far more forgiving than we deserve. And on the other hand, as Norman Vincent Peale writes, trials and problems are a good thing. If we didn’t face adversity we should be very concerned and take stock of our life and beliefs. The one who doesn’t face problems is not taking a stand on anything – and that is not good!

But how do we master enthusiasm, especially amidst large trials and heartbreak? By seeking God’s presence and purposing to give Him our best. And always remember as Thomas Paine once said, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow.”

Don’t Stop Believing

Most importantly, you must keep believing that all things work together for your good, just as the Bible says. That is why a strong, mental attitude of enthusiasm is so vital!

As Norman Vincent Peale says, Keep praying. Keep thinking. Keep believing. And keep enthusiasm going, for it works miracles in problems.

But it is essential that you have a mental toughness that keeps pressing on. Don’t allow yourself to waver back and forth. Set aside what your feelings tell you and claim what God’s Word says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

You will succeed if you believe and keep at whatever it is until it is so, which of course, is the way to succeed at anything. Pursue God and never give up!

I pray this encourages and inspires you as it has me! May God bless you with a new level of enthusiasm for what He has for you to do!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2022/08/03/i-can-do-all-things-through-christ/

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