Beautiful Destinations

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations is a picturesque wall plaque I have hanging my room.

It’s a good reminder that there are highs and lows in life, trials and victories, and the hard things typically lead to beautiful things.

Order and Balance

One thing I think I’ve noticed about life is that God creates an incredible order and balance for things. In order to eat, you must work. The sun has the moon, men have women, work yields profit, etc. It’s fascinating when you stop and think about it.

If everyday life has such a beautiful harmony of order and balance, we can be sure that our lives do too. I think this is why we have seasons – they are a balance of warm and cold, dry and wet, planting and harvest.

Without the work we wouldn’t have the results. And I think that is essential to remember! Perspective and mindset are so important!

Blessed Assurance

If we are living our lives to please God and bring glory to His name, we can be confident that He is orchestrating people and circumstances in our lives for our good. As the hymn says, blessed assurance!

God is incredible about directing our lives when we seek Him. Though we go through trials and difficulties, we can have confidence that He will use those for our good. Difficult roads for the Christian who gives their all to God truly do have beautiful destinations!

As we go about our day, instead of feeling defeat and overrun by circumstances, let us put our shoulders back, pick up our head, knowing that God has made us more than conquerors! That means we are more than equipped to confidently fill the role He has us in – if we are looking to Him for direction and guidance. That detail is essential.

On the other hand, if we are just living to please ourselves and not seeking God’s guidance, difficult roads can be sent as a warning. A warning to get back on the right path, to set aside our selfish desires and give our all to God. Our destination (serving God) must be firmly set in place if we are to be confident in the results of the roads we take.

Dreams vs Promises

I’ve been pondering the differences in dreams and promises lately.

God says that His people will have food, clothing and shelter. He also says that when we honor our parents it will be well with us in the land. To me, if God says it, He means it and it is as good as a promise.

But what about those little whisperings in your heart, those little glimpses of things to come? Is it wrong to want more than what you have? Is it a lack of gratitude for what you currently have to hope and dream about what’s ahead?

I think God places on our hearts and in our minds glimpses of what’s ahead. He plants little dreams in our hearts to help us prepare for what’s coming. Of course, we must keep our focus on Him and give Him our best, but I do believe it is perfectly appropriate to hope and dream about what’s to come!

I’ve shared it before, but I’ll share it again, I love to pray and ask God to help me dream within His will for me. If my dreams aren’t within His plans, then I ask Him to take them away. I weigh my hopes and dreams within my understanding of His word. I only want what He has for me! He sees the entire picture and knows what’s best!

Beautiful Destinations

What does your beautiful destination look like? Mine is giving my best to God and serving those He brings into my life remarkably well. True, there are and there will be trials and difficulties along the way. But as we learn to handle and navigate those well, He strengthens us to do more for Him!

Scripture says that whatever we ask God within His will, He will give it to us. Read your Bible, talk to God, ask for wisdom. Grow and cultivate your relationship with Him and He will show up in exciting and incredible ways in your life!

May God bless you!


PS. Keep reading:

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