Fifty-One Years and Counting

Fifty-one years is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday ...

Fifty-one years, that is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday, fifty-one years is just past a major milestone, fifty – again, a long time. But today we are talking about a marriage – my parents. Consider that for just […]

Tips for Babysitting Small Children

Tips for Babysitting Small Children

Tips for Babysitting Small Children Today I want to give you a few babysitting tips! My hope in sharing these tips is to inspire your creativity so that both you and the little ones that you babysit will enjoy your time together! Though I am the youngest in my family and never had a designated […]