Fifty-One Years and Counting

Fifty-one years is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday ...

Fifty-one years, that is a long time. If we are talking about small business, fifty-one years is an impressive amount of time. Or even a birthday, fifty-one years is just past a major milestone, fifty – again, a long time.

But today we are talking about a marriage – my parents. Consider that for just a moment – fifty-one years. That’s remarkable. To make that commitment to have and to hold one person, and to keep choosing that person – that’s incredible! And so commendable!

America needs more families like mine. Families with good strong leaders who set high standards. Families that are committed to serving God and basing life choices on His Word. Who make decisions, not because they are popular but because they are the right thing to do.

And I don’t mean this to brag. My family is not perfect by any means, we have our share of flaws and struggles. But I do recognize what our parents have given us. I’ll probably continue to realize the extent of it as time goes by, but the glimpse I have now is incredible.

A Strong Faith

The saying goes that all roads lead to Rome and in much the same way, faith is the center of life. Every decision and choice points directly back to your faith.

My earliest memories are of exercising and sitting in church. From as long ago as I can remember, every Sunday we would gather around our dining table while our Dad taught us and read from the Bible. We would cover character qualities, life principles, spiritual gifts and more. It was fascinating – and such a gift that he would teach us.

We still do church in much the same way, but as our family has gotten bigger and older, some of the next generation now has the chance to add to our Sunday schooling. We have begun to incorporate self help books and relational books too. It is encouraging and edifying as we learn things together.

Our parents have given us a strong faith and through their example we are becoming a great team! The Bible talks about a three-stranded cord that is not easily broken and I can’t help but think of that in relation to our family loyalty.

A Good Education

Years before it was common, my parents decided to homeschool us. What a big decision, and what an enormous gift to give us. They carefully chose and proofed the curriculum that they taught. But more than just school us and be done, they taught us to be self educators, which to me is one of the biggest gifts of life.

So did we all go on to graduate from college too, you might be wondering. No. Some of us have and some of us haven’t. College isn’t mandatory. If one wants to become a CPA, doctor or a lawyer, I get the need. But if one is simply a business owner, designer or creator, one can be self taught. Experience is the best teacher after all, right?

A Love of Family

We’re definitely not perfect, but we have been taught from an early age to get along, to help others, and to be a blessing – starting with our family.

People have commented on our family as far back as I can remember. There is something special about us, everybody wants to be a part of something like this, etc. I always thought it was sweet, but this is the family I know, this is who we are. As I have gotten older, I realize the remarkable gift that our parents have given us.

I am the youngest of eight. Do you know how few people have eight children? Do you know how many people choose to limit how many children they have to one, two or maybe three? People seem to think that having children is inconvenient, difficult, and expensive. And I get that, I do.

But if you would just stop and realize the potential. Nothing is too much for God and He always equips you for where He leads you. Perhaps it’s more than you can handle, but having more than you can handle is actually a good thing – because it directs you back to God. It calls your attention back to Him. And that is the best place for it to be.

God gave my parents a love and a value for children that few people have. And they have passed that love and value down to us. Instead of having a mindset block like the world gives us that children are just one big expense and inconvenience that we need to push off on others as frequently as possible, we have been trained to love and value children. To work with and train them. To teach them how to help and let them come along – even when they only slow us down.

As the saying goes, Children aren’t a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.

And as a single gal, it may sound funny that this is so dear to my heart. How many children have I had? None – like I said I’m single. Perhaps it is because I am the youngest of so many. I’m so grateful my parents chose life, that they followed God’s lead. I pray that I am a blessing to them for they have certainly been a blessing to us in so many ways!

Happy 51st Anniversary to the best parents in the world!


PS. Hearing how people met their spouse is one of my favorite things! Want to read how my parents met? I shared it here:

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