Planning Ahead

Planning Ahead

Personally, I am a big planner. I remember way back in grade school making elaborate (to me at the time) plans of what all I might do in a day. There’s so much to get done when you are young – I’m sure you remember!

Planning ahead typically depended on my working ahead on schoolwork and jobs. As a homeschooler, I was able to work ahead on any school that I could convince my mother to let me. Seeing as she was homeschooling five of us at once, I can see on this side where she may not have been thrilled for more papers to grade! I quickly learned that jobs done ahead of time were far less depressing than waiting until it was time to do them.

One summer I did a math book over the summer just to have it done. I had dreams of graduating early. I didn’t really know what came after that, but I knew the current objective was to finish school, so I worked ambitiously towards that goal.

You have to be Flexible

Planning ahead in life can be an excellent thing, but it can also create problems of its own that you have to guard against.

With all my ambitious goals and plans, I have to remember that they are subject to get interrupted at a moments notice. I feel like I’m always practicing being flexible – not allowing a change of plans throw me. Knowing that I’ve struggled with this for well over a decade, I’d like to think I may have begun to master being flexible, but the truth is it is a work in progress. We all have our struggles and this is one of mine.

Being flexible reminds us not to set affections on things that can be changed by God or others. In other words, don’t set affections on anything! Make plans, pursue goals, but know that things may shift or change unexpectedly.

Why bother?

If nothing is for certain, why should we bother to try? Because even if we don’t accomplish our exact goal, we will get so much closer than if we had never pursued anything. There is a quote that I really like and it goes something like:

Perfection is not attainable, but if we pursue perfection we can achieve excellence.

God doesn’t require perfection from us. He created us as humans and if we were perfect we wouldn’t need Him would we? As Paul says so well, “in my weakness is Your strength”. I love that reminder that God designed us to need Him. Our largest struggles are simply reminders of His merciful love for His people.

And if God can so graciously cover our weaknesses and faults, shouldn’t we give Him our very best? I can’t think of a better way to show Him we are grateful!

So definitely plan ahead. Whether your plans are wonderful and exciting or everyday and necessary, own them. Pursue perfection, achieve excellence, and serve God remarkably well.

Until Next Time!


PS. Planning ahead doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it does need to be intentional. Realizing that I could make intentional decisions in so many areas literally changed my life! Read more here:

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