Little by Little

Little by Little

Little by Little This week I have had the opportunity to work on some large goals. But like so many things in life there are distractions, exceptions to the schedule, things you don’t count on and you have to remember to remain flexible. The progress that I hoped to make over the course of the […]

5 Important Things to Know about Gifts

6 Important Things to Know about Gifts

There is a certain art to gifts. Giving them, receiving them, appreciating them. Today I want to share five important things to keep in mind as you encounter gifts. 1) A gift is wholehearted and unselfish When you give a gift it is of the utmost importance to let it go. Remember that it is […]

The Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

Prayer is exceptionally powerful! I find it incredibly fascinating and have recently been discovering new depths to it that I haven’t realized before! Prayer is a curious thing, really. You can use it as a tool to help others and to draw you closer to God, or you can not utilize it and miss out […]

The Art of Asking Questions

The Art of Asking Questions

This past week has been full of opportunities for me to ask questions. More than usual, it would seem. Some questions have been easier to ask, while I found the thought of others to be intimidating. So many different responses are possible. But instead of over thinking potential responses, I said a prayer and asked […]