Faith and Prayer

Let’s discuss two very important things, faith and prayer. Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Right off, faith is dear to me because it involves hoping, believing in something not yet obvious. But at what point does reality meet faith? How can we best practice […]

Behind the Scenes

But let me fill your heart with hope, with expectancy! God is working behind the scenes.

Do you ever wonder what is going on behind the scenes? I know I do! Whether it pertains to people or details of a project, I can’t help but be curious! I read a fascinating story along these lines earlier today, and I want to share it with you! A professor was on a trip […]

Don’t Accept Too Much Responsibility

Interesting topic, wouldn’t you agree? The whole thought of it is summed up in that statement: don’t accept too much responsibility. How does this apply to us? And aren’t we supposed to be responsible? Yes, we are absolutely supposed to be responsible. For our words, actions, motives, and even for our thoughts. Now we’re really […]

Magical Moments

What do you think of magical moments? Now obviously, magic itself isn't real, but we're more talking of the thrill of something remarkable and outstanding!

What pops into your mind when you read a title such as “Magical Moments”? It makes me think of an oldie “This Magic Moment” sung by the Drifters. It is a cheery, upbeat tune about how magical love can be. The idea of magical moments was recently introduced to me through a business book recommendation. […]