Raise Your Average

Raise Your Average

It is said that you are the average of the top five people with which you spend time. I had not heard this before, but I found it quite intriguing and I do believe it makes sense. You are who you spend time with, that’s why Scripture warns that “bad company corrupts good morals,” but […]

Make Plans

Make Plans

We can make plans, but the Lord directs our steps. As the end of the year approaches, I’m thinking more and more about my goals. What I want to accomplish in the upcoming year and what I want to get done before the end of this year. Note: If you use a planner for scheduling […]

Do the Work

Do the Work

Do the work and leave the results to God. I read this quote earlier this week and it really resonated with me. How often do we get hung up wondering about the details, the conclusion, stuck in the paralysis of analysis? Sometimes we even resist starting or trying something because we don’t know how it […]

A Perfect Balance

A Perfect Balance

I recently read an interesting thought: God created things with a perfect balance. I hadn’t considered things in this light, but upon reflection, I see many areas where this applies. Though there is evil there is always good, blessings are balanced by responsibilities, questions are balanced by answers and direction, etc. The more I ponder […]