One Thing at a Time

One Thing at a Time

I’ve had a bit of a divided mind lately. In between this and that, long hours and multiple projects, until I suddenly had a rather blatant reminder to focus on one thing at a time. To be more intentional and purposeful, and less haphazard. I rather think of it as multitasking and I can fall […]

Living the American Dream

Living the American Dream

I first heard this phrase in a song – Living the American Dream indicated a woman with a husband, home, and family. As much as I love the picture that the song painted, I got a little hung up on it. Was the American dream limited to happy couples with a home and children? What […]

What Is Next?

What is Next?

What is next? In your life, your plans, or your dreams? How are things coming together for you? Are you excited about this next chapter of life? No matter where we find ourselves, we should always be looking ahead. Content and grateful in the present, of course, but also anticipating the future! The world around […]

Clearing the Clutter

Clearing the Clutter

Clearing the clutter is a terribly appropriate description of what I need to do in my life right now! I’m sitting at the desk in the back office at Twig and there is clutter to the left and right of me. I can’t stand clutter. It distracts me and doesn’t bring me joy. But I […]