Don’t Give Up

Don't Give Up blog

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Rain Dancing

Have you ever heard about the old Indian man who was the best rain dancer of them all? Let’s back up a little further, do you know what rain dancing is?

Best I understand it, in early American days, when the rain would stop and the drought would set in, Indians believed that if they danced *just right* their gods would make it rain. Now obviously we know this isn’t true, but that’s what they believed.

Rumor has it, there was one old, wise and experienced Indian chief who could always make it rain if he did a rain dance. Every single time he danced, it would rain. Others would do all sorts of dancing and it may or may not rain, but the Indian chief’s dancing always made it rain without fail.

One day, this Indian chief was asked how he was so successful. His response: he didn’t quit dancing until it began to rain. Thus, it always rained when he danced.

I have no idea where I got this story, perhaps I read it or heard it years ago, but the summation of it has really stuck with me. Do Not Give Up. Stick with it, be steadfast, finish the race, complete the task, etc.

Don’t Grow Weary

Each of us has a mission to accomplish, a task to complete. Each day we should get up and apply ourselves well, eager to do our duty. Scripture reminds us again and again of important truths, truths that I constantly use to fuel my day.

We are to work unto God and not for man. Some people are more inspiring to work for then others, aren’t they? That is why our work must be done to please God, not man. When we work to please God, we give our best, doing our best to hold ourselves to God’s high standards. But when we work for man, our standards are slack depending on who we work for or how we feel about said person.

At just the right time, God will make it happen. Scripture says that God will bring things together at just the right moment: not a second late or a moment too soon. It is fascinating and exciting to see how God brings things together when we apply ourselves well to where He has us!

We will reap what we sow. This goes both ways – think the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It also rather overlaps the reminder above that we are to work unto God not man. Some people call it karma, I think of it as consequences for actions and choices we’ve made. Moral of the story, what we do will come back to us – pressed down, shaken together and running over! Keep that in mind and determine to give God and others your very best!

The joy of the Lord is our strength. God fuels our days and efforts if we work for Him and do things that honor Him! Not only does He fuel us, but joy comes directly from Him to share with others! There is nothing more rewarding then feeling a sincere joy doing the work before us!

Keep Pursuing Your Relationship with God

Keep pursuing your relationship with God. It is incredible and intriguing and the most important thing you will ever do with your life!

Getting to know God is fascinating in that it is unending. You’ll grow and learn more about Him, and then a new facet of your relationship will open up!

Growing and pursuing a relationship with God is an incredibly wonderful thing to me. Ever since I can remember, I’ve known about God, my parents trained me well. But it has never stopped at just knowing Him. Different dimensions, new perspectives, seeing Scripture with new eyes continues to take me further and further!

I’ve read my Bible as long as I can remember. I couldn’t tell you how many times – I’ve lost count – and yet I continue to read it and will until the day I die! The Word of God is inspired and is the one book that never gets old to read! Let me encourage you and even challenge you to read it daily – it will change your life!

Never Give Up

Whatever you are facing today, be it an extreme situation or something wearingly mundane, let me just encourage you to never give up. If this is the path God has you on, give it your all and give it your best for as long as necessary. God knows how long that is, not us – even though it can feel like forever.

Strengthen yourself in the Lord. Literally recommit to serving God in the ways He has set before you and then give it your all. Ask Him for strength and joy in what He has for you to do. Ask a friend to pray for you and then find out how you can pray for them. Iron sharpens iron – it is our job and our role to sharpen and encourage each other!

And then make a game of it! Don’t take things too seriously. I don’t know how many times I’ve made myself laugh thinking about that old Indian rain dancer. I mean, if an old chief can make it rain, I should have what it takes to complete my task, right?!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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