He Always Answers

God knows all the details. He knows your heart and your requests before you even ask. And what’s more than that – He always answers. Always. This reminder hit me as I was trying yet another finger nail treatment. As I sat there, I prayed as I massaged it into my cuticle and nail bed. […]

Multiplication vs Addition

Anyone up for a quick arithmetic lesson? Today we’re covering multiplication vs addition! Fun, right?! No, I’m kidding, we’re not covering arithmetic, but we are talking about mentalities. The multiplication mentality vs the addition mentality. This is a powerful outlook that you can easily adopt – and when you do, you can step more fully […]

Back in the Day

Back in the Day blog

Don’t you just love learning about a person’s history? I think it can be so fascinating! We all have had different opportunities, pursued different paths and had unique experiences! Back in the day, I wasn’t a boutique owner. I definitely admired them and wondered how they got to be there, but my business beginnings were […]

Everything We Need

Everything We Need

It was late and I just needed to finalize an order and then I could call it a day. As I started to sit down to finish up, I took stock of what I had so I wouldn’t need to get up again before I was done. Order details, card, and my water for good […]