Waiting on the Rain

Waiting on the Rain blog

While my parents are out of state I am helping water the outdoor plants. Any other day the rain doesn’t really matter to me. True, I try to schedule my errands around it, but it doesn’t make or break my plans. But this evening as I stepped outside and noticed the clouds rolling in and […]

First Thursday in a Small Town

First Thursday in downtown Walterboro

If you have been looking for a fun outing for your family, let me tell you about First Thursday in downtown Walterboro! As the name suggests, the First Thursday of the month merchants of the shops downtown get together to host a special opportunity to come visit after hours. Vendors line the streets, food trucks […]

Can You Imagine?

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine what God has in store for you? Can you imagine all the incredible ways He will show up and bring things together in remarkable ways? The Role God Plays What role does God play in your life? Is He someone you talk to throughout the day or only when things get tough? […]

The Art of Tidying Up

The Art of Tidying Up

The art of tidying up is valuable. It can take you from chaos to order, disaster to a clear picture. Many people live with disorder – they don’t know how to get things organized. But instead of choosing to live with it, what if we chose the art of tidying up? Start Small But Deliberately […]