Can You Imagine?

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine what God has in store for you? Can you imagine all the incredible ways He will show up and bring things together in remarkable ways?

The Role God Plays

What role does God play in your life? Is He someone you talk to throughout the day or only when things get tough? Did you know He cares about the little details? He loves it when His people call on Him.

God can be found in so many more places than just church on Sunday. His Word offers peace and comfort like nothing else. He is always available to talk to in prayer. He cares about you and the trials you face.

But He’s not just here for after the fact, while we walk through hard times. Seek Him and learn His nature to equip yourself for trials that come. Strengthen yourself in the Lord, discover courage and steadfastness that can’t be found anywhere else.

Commit to spending your life pursuing God and learning about Him! You’ll never reach the end of that and it will be the best way you could ever spend your time.

Even When He Seems Quiet

Sometimes things seem quiet. We’ve prayed and asked for direction only to be met with silence. These times are hard, but hard things are what strengthen us the best!

Double down on your knowledge of God. Remind yourself of Who He is and rest in that knowledge. These are the times when faith is grown. And growing can be hard, especially when God seems quiet. But remember, He always answers. It might be yes, no, or wait – but He will make the way clear in His perfect time.

Expect His Blessings

Some people expect doom and gloom. I say expect blessings from God!

The Bible says all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. With this valuable knowledge, we can know that if we are truly seeking Him, then all things work out for our best!

But that’s not to say we can’t have hopes and dreams and make special requests. I love that God cares about the desires of my heart! How precious and kind!

As we pray and tell Him what’s on our heart, we should also ask Him to fine-tune our desires to be inline with His will and what He has for us. I can’t think of a better way to lean in to His blessings than for His plans to become the desire of our hearts!

Give Him Your Best

Focusing on giving God our best is a great way to combat our selfish nature. When God is a larger consideration than our trivial wants or desires, I believe He is pleased.

The world focuses too much on feelings and whims. Insane decisions are being made on fleeting feelings and lives are quite literally being ruined.

When we as Christians conquer our feelings and focus on God’s words and ways, we are on the path to giving Him our best. He needs all our heart – that means whether at work, church, home, or out with friends – He needs it all.

Can you imagine all you might do for God if you kept Him in the center of your life and served Him above all else? The possibilities are exciting and endless!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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