Oh Happy Day

Choose to be happy, not because you've never been sad or discouraged, but because we serve a remarkable God and He has placed us in an incredible time with an excite role to fill! Learn to play your role exceptionally well! People might misunderstand, but some of us will get it - and the ones who get it and appreciate it, we're the ones that count! 

“Oh happy day!” That’s how I titled my photo one dreary afternoon at the shop. The weather was dark, cold, and what many might refer to as ‘miserable’. So why did I label my photo as ‘Happy’ on such a dreary day? Because happiness is a choice. You can either choose it and live with […]

Words are Powerful

When we apologize, we aren't showing gratitude to others or to God. Yes, there is still a time and place for apologies, but when we live with purpose and we give our best we must remember that our steps are ordained by the Lord. And to apologize for the way that He ordains them is not showing gratitude! Incredible, right?! 

How you word something can make all the difference in the world. Words are powerful – as the Bible says, they can give life or destroy. From certain elements this might be easier to remember when addressing others, but do you remember it when you speak in regards to yourself? Not too long ago, I […]

A New Paradigm

That's what having a new paradigm is all about, finding joy in what you do so that you can do it with a grateful heart. Joy and gratitude are two of the most essential things in life and you must experience them in every single aspect. 

Do you know what a paradigm is? It is the way you look at or think about something, similar to a perspective. One typically has a particular paradigm that they look at different life situations through. It is not uncommon to hear that students do not like their studies. That is the paradigm they have […]

Twig Downtown

I love finding pretty little shops to recommend – whether they are online or brick and mortar – and Twig Downtown is definitely one of those shops! The story of Twig goes back several years. I had recently received a small office building to run my online clothing boutique and I was in the process […]