A New Paradigm

That's what having a new paradigm is all about, finding joy in what you do so that you can do it with a grateful heart. Joy and gratitude are two of the most essential things in life and you must experience them in every single aspect. 

Do you know what a paradigm is? It is the way you look at or think about something, similar to a perspective.

One typically has a particular paradigm that they look at different life situations through. It is not uncommon to hear that students do not like their studies. That is the paradigm they have chosen. Some mothers identify with motherhood as being untidy, tired and stressed. Again, another paradigm choice. Personally, when work starts to pile up, I have to fight not feeling like a poor worker – yet another paradigm choice.

The fascinating thing about a paradigm is that you can choose what yours will be.

If you are a student, you can choose whether to see your studies as a drudge or as a necessary tool to take you further in life. Learning fundamentals is necessary, so be sure to think of them in a way that will inspire and motivate you!

If you are a mother, instead of accepting being a hot mess, tired and distressed, brainstorm what you can change to become more like the mothers that you admire! You have a very demanding, but ever so powerful role to fill, find joy and delight in it! Embrace it!

And to myself, when work isn’t as caught up as I like, just keep making progress! Celebrate the progress and enjoy the journey.

That’s what having a new paradigm is all about, finding joy in what you do so that you can do it with a grateful heart. Joy and gratitude are two of the most essential things in life and you must experience them in every single aspect.

Now I am not saying that there aren’t some tasks that aren’t highly desirable. But what can you do with those? What new eyes or new paradigm can you look at them through to determine a fresh way to look at these lesser desirable tasks?

Years ago when we had horses (you can read about some of our horse adventures here!), it was my job to scoop the small pasture. During the summer this task got especially hot. It was also quite heavy for a small girl. But God gave me a mind for fresh paradigms even before I knew about them! While I scooped the pasture, I would work on my Bible memorization. I would write it out beforehand on a notebook paper and carry it around folded up in my back pocket. Whenever I got stumped on a verse, I would pull the paper out of my pocket and keep going. I love this memory. It took a less glamorous task and made it a lovely memory!

What are some things that you do not prefer to do? Refresh your perspective and create a new paradigm surrounding them. It truly makes a world of difference!

Perhaps you feel stuck in a rut about something and there just isn’t a better way to view it or think about it, no matter which way you come at it. Pray about it. Always remember to give it to God and ask Him how you should look at it! You might not get an immediate answer, but I promise, you will get an answer! Maybe not in the way you expect, but give it a little while and you will truly feel refreshed! You will wonder where this refreshment came from – you may even marvel at your previous struggle. God will always refresh and encourage you, but it is up to you to ask and look for it!

I hope this post has encouraged your heart as it has encouraged mine! May God bless the path He has placed you in and may He help you to shine for His glory!

Until Next Time!


PS. I love to hear from you all! Your comments and feedback mean so much to me – thank you!

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