Words are Powerful

When we apologize, we aren't showing gratitude to others or to God. Yes, there is still a time and place for apologies, but when we live with purpose and we give our best we must remember that our steps are ordained by the Lord. And to apologize for the way that He ordains them is not showing gratitude! Incredible, right?! 

How you word something can make all the difference in the world. Words are powerful – as the Bible says, they can give life or destroy. From certain elements this might be easier to remember when addressing others, but do you remember it when you speak in regards to yourself?

Not too long ago, I read a quote and it was something along the lines of “Instead of saying ‘sorry I’m late’, you should say ‘thank you for waiting’.” This idea was new and refreshing to me! To be honest, I overuse the word ‘sorry’ in speech. Sorry I’m late, sorry not to have the documentation you need, sorry you couldn’t find what you are looking for, etc.

My goal with the use of the word was more intended to offer sympathetic encouragement, but more recently I have found that my apologizing might just be misplaced. Wording is important, and to apologize indicates that I am partially regretful or responsible for something. There is a time and a place for apologies, but certainly not every other sentence!

Next time you feel an apology on your lips, consider the situation. Is an apology really necessary? Perhaps you can simply make the situation right without the need to apologize. Definitely take responsibility for your action (or inaction), but don’t over analyze the situation or apologize when it isn’t necessary.

Just recently I had the realization that apologizing shows a lack of gratitude.

Wow, right?!

When we apologize, we aren’t showing gratitude to others or to God. Yes, there is still a time and place for apologies, but when we live with purpose and we give our best we must remember that our steps are ordained by the Lord. And to apologize for the way that He ordains them is not showing gratitude! Incredible, right?!

The last few weeks I haven’t felt on my game like I like to. Things aren’t as caught up as I like (and I like them all the way caught up!) and I’ve been practicing this new idea. Gratitude. Gratitude that God has me exactly where He wants me. He knows what I have to accomplish and He will direct my efforts.

Another thing I love to remember in all this is that I don’t have to accomplish it all in my own strength – I must leave room for Him to show up and propel me in His ways!

Interestingly, we teach people how to treat us through our wording and actions. Apologizing frequently doesn’t inspire confidence. No one is perfect and nobody expects you to be either. But we do need to be inspire people – not for ourselves, but to bring glory to God! Cheerful and energetic moods will inspire people far more than any apology ever will. Remember that!

Where some may feel over inclined to apologize, others do not. Perhaps this post will hit home and refresh your perspective as it has mine or perhaps it doesn’t even apply to you. Either way, do remember that your words and your attitude are a reflection of Whom you serve. Serve Him well!

Until Next Time!


PS. This post might be short, but it truly is vital! Now remember, next time you feel inclined to apologize, consider how you can turn your apology to gratitude!

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