Oh Happy Day

Choose to be happy, not because you've never been sad or discouraged, but because we serve a remarkable God and He has placed us in an incredible time with an excite role to fill! Learn to play your role exceptionally well! People might misunderstand, but some of us will get it - and the ones who get it and appreciate it, we're the ones that count! 

Oh happy day!” That’s how I titled my photo one dreary afternoon at the shop. The weather was dark, cold, and what many might refer to as ‘miserable’.

So why did I label my photo as ‘Happy’ on such a dreary day? Because happiness is a choice. You can either choose it and live with a cheery outlook or reject it and be reactive to your environment. Personally, I choose happiness. I choose joy and enthusiasm!

Choosing happiness isn’t self-centered. True you will largely benefit from it, but it is not just for yourself that you choose to be happy. Whether or not we realize it, we impact people daily. They take notice of us whether or not they let on. A cheery attitude – rather than a blah-blah attitude – can be just what another needs in their day. That little ray of sunshine and encouragement that inspires another to give life their best shot.

I remember as I was approaching my twenties, one of my friends who was about five years younger than me thanked me for my good natured attitude. “Most of my friends feel like in order to act older they have to get serious and not be any fun,” she told me. “Thank you for staying happy even though you are technically a grown up.” Those simple words meant so much to me. I definitely wanted to come across as a reliable almost-twenty-year-old, but didn’t want to come across as taking myself too seriously. I am grateful that I had a friend who helped me remember to be happy and cheerful!

Funny, even though I am now in my (very early!) thirties, many people seem to still explain my attitude as “young enthusiasm”. Honestly, that is fine with me! I hope they continue to find me youthful and enthusiastic for many years to come!

“Ooh, it’s just because you’re so young.” “Once you’ve lived a bit longer you won’t be so optimistic.” Etc. I’ve heard quite a few explanations for my happy attitude towards life – though really none of them are quite accurate.

The real explanation for my happy, optimistic attitude is quite simple: I choose happiness!

My reasons for choosing happiness are many, but here are some of the most important. I choose happiness because:

  1. Happiness is a reflection of the life you live. When I choose to be happy, then I am reflecting that I am grateful for the life that God has given me. Anyone can act blah-blah or passé about their life – but it takes a real effort and interest in what you do to greet each new day with joy and sincere happiness!
  2. My happiness reflects gratitude to my parents and family! Any child can act out of sorts, but it’s the remarkable children who have the best attitudes, right?! When I choose happiness, then I am choosing gratitude and representing my family well.
  3. Happiness changes your perspective on everything in life. You think higher thoughts, you expect better things, you don’t give up as easily. Your pursue life with an intentional purpose!

Choosing happiness and joy is an important decision. And it is one that we must make every day! Remember that there is always a silver lining!

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28

Choose to be happy, not because you’ve never been sad or discouraged, but because we serve a remarkable God and He has placed us in an incredible time with an exciting role to fill! Learn to play your role exceptionally well! People might misunderstand, but some of us will get it – and the ones who get it and appreciate it, we’re the ones that count!

Until Next Time – Have a Happy Day!


PS. Earlier this year I brainstormed a list of 50 things that make me happy – read it here! You ought to make one of these lists yourself – it is a lot of fun! https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/02/21/help-yourself-to-happiness/

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