Oh Happy Day

Choose to be happy, not because you've never been sad or discouraged, but because we serve a remarkable God and He has placed us in an incredible time with an excite role to fill! Learn to play your role exceptionally well! People might misunderstand, but some of us will get it - and the ones who get it and appreciate it, we're the ones that count! 

“Oh happy day!” That’s how I titled my photo one dreary afternoon at the shop. The weather was dark, cold, and what many might refer to as ‘miserable’. So why did I label my photo as ‘Happy’ on such a dreary day? Because happiness is a choice. You can either choose it and live with […]

How to do Remarkably Well

How to do Remarkably Well

What is your idea of a person who does remarkably well in life? To me, it is someone who thrives where they are, greets everyday moments with enthusiasm, and seeks to improve in all areas of life. That is what I aim for, and what I strongly admire in the people around me! My Great […]

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life Your life is full of possibility! It’s really incredibly exciting to think about! I once read that there was no “secret” to success. Just being who you are and pursuing what you’ve been led to do is the secret. No one can duplicate it or try to steal […]

How to Determine Your Calling

How to Determine Your Calling

How to Determine Your Calling Today I wanted to share some thoughts on how to determine your calling! I hope it helps simplify the whole “what am I going to do with my life” question! Graduates face that question all the time. Some girls seem to have known from birth what they would pursue, whereas […]