Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Your life is full of possibility! It’s really incredibly exciting to think about! I once read that there was no “secret” to success. Just being who you are and pursuing what you’ve been led to do is the secret. No one can duplicate it or try to steal your special niche because, simply, they aren’t you. You are your own secret to success! Isn’t that exciting?!

In continuation of last weeks post How to Determine Your Calling, I am picking up right after we have determined the importance of choosing our work. And again, if you are a mother or a mother-to-be, know that I think your work is remarkable! Someday I’ll have the joy (or job!) of being a mother, but until then I want to encourage those of us who aren’t mothers yet to fill our days purposefully!

You must understand that all jobs, all work, has its highs and lows. Every single thing does. It is a part of life and a part of work. Don’t you dare let that hold you back from doing something remarkable! Choose what to pursue, and then put yourself into it! Work on your attitude regarding those lows, those things that you wouldn’t choose to do if you didn’t have to. Learn to accept them and even enjoy them!

To only like doing the easy things is shallow and keeps us from understanding and appreciating another dimension of God! (Reminding myself of this!)

Slowly I’m learning to work around people’s presuppositions. Whenever I say that I work from home, the response is “you’re so lucky, you get to bum around in pajamas all day”. Now I don’t know about you but when I hear that response I’m afraid I picture someone who is unkempt, hair not fixed, pajamas loose and not properly fitted, scuffling through the house, sitting often, getting distracted and making no progress on work. (But in retrospect, I should train myself to picture a perky girl dashing around her home in super cute pajamas while she does amazing, remarkable work! I mean, if that’s how people dress when they work from home, then I’ll aim for best-dressed!)

Some excellent advice that I’ve come across is that your work, no matter what it is, must have an element unique to you if you want to really stand out. It has to have a reason to encourage customers to come back, not just for your product, but for that certain edge that you give it.

Invest yourself in your work and communicate to your customers what makes your business unique and why they will want to buy from you. Anyone can copy another business or product, but when you give your work a unique element, something that is a part of you, it will help you stand out and it will have people coming back time and again! And, more importantly, when your business or work has this bit of you invested in it, it gives you a sense of pride and ownership! Instead of being just another employee or business, you will be seen as exceptional in your field!

“God is within her, she will not fall;…” – Psalm 46:5

And do know that if, after a time of serious, committed work, you don’t feel that this work is right for you, you can change. Choose something else! Nothing is forever! I would encourage you not to make this change or decision quickly or lightly, nor would I encourage you to pursue something that truly isn’t right for you!

I’ve changed vocations more than once and as for now I believe I’ve found the niche I’ve been looking for. But if, after time, prayer and counsel, things aren’t working out, I will certainly alter course again. Things change, so we must allow ourselves to change as well! Sometimes these changes might be minimal, changing a product line or service offered, and other times they may be complete company overhauls.

As you work to find your purpose in life, try to imagine something that you would be happy doing the rest of your life. Not because you plan to do it until your dying day, but rather to have long-term goals in mind. As ladies, I think it is difficult for us to look past the next week or year into the far distance, but if you want to commit to a plan you must!

“Commit your works to the LORD And your plans will be established.” – Proverbs 16:3

That is how I decided on fashion. Logically it made no sense – I had a history in web design and shipping supplies. (See?! No sense!) But one day I stopped and realized that, although I was capable of designing websites and selling shipping supplies, I had no desire to spend the rest of my life doing those things! So then I started praying and pondering – what did God want me to do?! I knew I had to do something, but What?!

It’s exciting to find yourself on the edge of a discovery like that! It’s energizing and thrilling, and a bit scary too! Leaving behind what you know and what you’ve done for almost a decade. But I really felt the need to do something feminine and lovely, to fill my hours with reminders of how women were created for beauty and to enjoy beautiful things! So now I fill my hours in beautiful fashion and writing this beautiful blog, and I love it!

Tell me, where are you in life? Are you figuring out what to do with your life? Or perhaps you are considering changing vocations. What will you do? How do you decide? Remember to pray! And to be excited! Though unsettling, change can be a wonderful, opportunity-opening thing! Wonderful potential is available to you!

Above all else, you must pursue God’s plan for your life! Trust Him and give Him your best!

Until Next Time!


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