Life Changes

In some areas I am eager for life changes - for growth, for direction, for inspiration. But in other areas, I don't want a thing to change. Life is just ...

Outside of God, the only certain thing is that life changes. Have you noticed how some changes are subtle, while others are pivotal? Growing up, changes were subtle though expected. As a child one anticipates moving through school grades one by one with the goal of graduating. Many individuals move on to college or a […]

Making the Most of Opportunities

Making the Most of Opportunities

Do you like to seize opportunities? To make the most of them? It’s something new that I am trying – and I must say that I recommend it! Opportunities can be obvious or they can be subtle. You might feel inspired to further investigate them or you might feel intimidated and shy away from them. […]

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life

Discovering What to do with Your Life Your life is full of possibility! It’s really incredibly exciting to think about! I once read that there was no “secret” to success. Just being who you are and pursuing what you’ve been led to do is the secret. No one can duplicate it or try to steal […]