Do the Work

God is in control, but He doesn’t expect you to lean on a shovel and pray for a hole.

This quote always gets me to thinking about what I’m praying about and what I need to take more action on. Be it work-related, in relationships, within the walls of my home, or attitude, I want to be sure I’m not leaning on any proverbial shovels.

Work Smart

It is so important to do the work that is set in front of us. True it might not be glamorous or the most fun thing we could find to do, but it is important and it is why we are here. And I’ve got good news for you! The more you will delight yourself with what’s in front of you, really lean in to where God has you, the more joy you will have!

Anyone can walk around their work bummed and in low spirits. But when you make the mental switch to be grateful for your work, to brighten someone else’s day, and to go above and beyond, it literally takes a load off your low spirits! Invest yourself in others and the focus moves from you to serving others well. Work suddenly has a new rhythm and the dread of it slips away.

But don’t stop there, think ahead too. Mastering the everyday is important, but can you begin to anticipate the up and coming? Formulate a plan for days and weeks in advance. Whether you want to create a schedule for ordering products, schedule workers or projects, or create an advertising calendar, put the time in and intentionally formulate a plan.

That doesn’t mean any of it is cast in concrete, but rather instead of just standing with your shovel praying for a hole, you’ve started digging that hole. You might find it needs to be deeper or wider as you progress, but the point of the matter is that you have started somewhere. And sometimes starting is the largest challenge of all!

Build Relationships

I used to pray for a friend. I really, really wanted one, but somehow the friends I had grown up with were in a different season of life. I read the valid advice that if you want a friend you have to be a friend, but somehow I just couldn’t implement it.

And then one day I decided to be a friend to those right in front of me, my siblings and the people I interacted with at work. Not that I tried to be best friends with all the people, but that I invested interest in their lives. I was a friend (albeit, a casual one) to them. I was kind and asked about their families. I saw them as individual people rather than just people delivering packages or random people running the checkout lanes. Perhaps this isn’t such a novel idea, but it was to me.

I also found close friends in my sisters and I worked to hard to be a good friend to them. Friendship isn’t about you or convenience, but rather going out of your way for others.

Do the Work

Whatever you’re on the edge of right now, consider how you might step into it. Definitely pray and ask God for direction, but then have the boldness and courage to step out in faith. Don’t get caught up leaning on your shovel!

Have you ever heard the saying that it’s easier to steer a moving car? I think there is a lot to that! Step up, take action, and see what happens! It could be magic – or it could be a total shutdown. But if you don’t do anything, you are already not going anywhere.

And I do think there are times of pause, times of waiting on God. God is amazing about directing us. Seek to understand what He would have you do, then be brave and creative and bold and do it!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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