Making Adjustments Along the Way

Making Adjustments Along the Way

There is so much freedom in making adjustments along the way. Be it in regards to your schedule, your plans, your projects, etc, knowing that you can tweak the details along and along is incredibly freeing.

We might set goals and have expectations, but as we get each step closer it is good to evaluate the direction we are headed and if that is bringing us closer to our goal. Sometimes we may need to course correct and make adjustments to our efforts, whereas other times we may need to change our final goal. Flexibility and seeking God are key in determining our progress!

Course Correct

What does it mean to course correct? Your course is the distance between where you are and your goal. Perhaps you realize that the path you are taking isn’t quite right due to time constraints or other requirements. Course correcting can be changing your efforts or even adjusting your final goal. It is important to make adjustments along the way so that you can serve God in the best way you know how.

Very little in life is cast in concrete. Remember that you can change your changeables (occupation, friends, weight, etc) but you need to gracefully come to terms with your unchangeables (family, gender, age, etc). And honestly, if we are living for God, not ourselves, He gives grace in abundance, we just need to ask and then accept it!

If you are struggling in life, ask yourself why. Get a good nights sleep, ask God what He has for you, and then ponder what needs to magically change to make your life better. This is key in brainstorming and creating a life you truly enjoy! If the answer is changing your work environment, then take steps to find somewhere new! Perhaps some people in your life are difficult – if they are friends, perhaps it is time to choose new ones. On the other hand if it is family, consider how you might pray for them. Ponder what in your life is appropriate to change and then make those adjustments as you are able!

Your Size

Making adjustments along the way can be key in the seemingly most unbelievable ways! For instance, I’ve been a size 7 shoe for the past twenty or so years. But in the last year or two, I’ve found that it would seem they are making shoes smaller. Yes, I’m sure you’ve already caught on, but evidently I’m slower than you…

For my work, I stand a lot and my feet were sore at night. I thought it was just adjusting to being on my feet more so month after month I just tried to ignore it. On the other hand, I had been working to put a few pounds back on as I had lost too much weight previously, so wasn’t surprised when I needed to buy new jeans. Honestly, I was just excited to actually be getting back to where I wanted to be!

And still my feet hurt. And since it is all connected, this could bug my knees and my hips too. Then one day, I’m really not sure what occurred to me, but I tried a size up in shoes – almost unwillingly because I just knew that wasn’t the problem. Well guess what? My feet are so much more comfortable! I have no idea why I could change clothes sizes when necessary but didn’t think to change shoe sizes.

I limped around for almost a year because I forgot to make adjustments along the way. Learn from my mistakes and don’t let this be you!

Your Plans

Making adjustments along the way can lead to such a happy life! I rather think of those adjustments as surrender. Surrender to God every detail of your life and then watch what He does with it!

Don’t get me wrong though, surrendering everything doesn’t mean not having a purpose or goal. On the contrary, it’s making sure your plans are in line with God and His Word. The world can be loud and distracting, it can put ideas in our heads of what we think we want, but it is our duty to weigh those desires against God’s Word. When we surrender and honor Him, it brings glory to His name! It is one of the best things we can do!

But surrendering and honoring God is challenging. It is a form of dying to our own wants and desires because we serve something bigger than ourselves. And yet, when we lean in to this, when we voluntarily do the hard things, it makes us stronger! It better equips us for what is ahead and gives us the courage to make the necessary adjustments along the way.

Surrender your own dreams for His plans. Let Him set you on fire with what He has for you to do! There is nothing better than to see someone whom God has gotten a hold of. Someone willing to work and honor Him. And then lean in and listen, God will put dreams in your heart. When you make it your purpose and your goal to follow Him, He will fill you with dreams you couldn’t accomplish on your own. He will fuel and direct you in incredible ways!

Making adjustments along the way is necessary and good – who knows where they will lead?!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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