Making Adjustments Along the Way

Making Adjustments Along the Way

There is so much freedom in making adjustments along the way. Be it in regards to your schedule, your plans, your projects, etc, knowing that you can tweak the details along and along is incredibly freeing. We might set goals and have expectations, but as we get each step closer it is good to evaluate […]

Phenomenal Growth

Phenomenal Growth blog

Let’s make this the year of phenomenal growth! Projects accomplished, opportunities taken, conversations had, and potential realized! Can you even imagine what an amazing life you might live if you stepped confidently into where God has you instead of holding back, listening to fears, and playing it safe? Why not incorporate courage and boldness into […]

When One Door Closes

When One Door Closes

“When one door closes another opens.” – Alexander Graham Bell First off, I had no idea this saying was credited to Alexander Graham Bell! Closed doors typically surprise me. I guess I don’t often feel that the answer in life is very often no. Rather “wait” seems to be the result of the unknown. Rarely […]

Scared and Excited

Seeing dreams come to pass can be scary. This never fails to surprise me. If they are dreams of mine – or even something I’m hoping for – then why is it intimidating and scary, in addition to being exciting?! I remember a line out of a movie I saw ages ago and the main […]

The Key to Success

The Key to Success blog

The key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted. I have no idea who this quote originated with, but I find it inspiring! Time and time again, as I look around at different people living their lives, the common theme that I admire is those who […]

Spring is Around the Corner

Spring is Around the Corner

Isn’t it incredible that spring is around the corner? We’ve been transitioning Christmas items to winter at the shop and will soon be swapping them out for spring. Seasons change is so refreshing and energizing, I think! Much as we as humans resist change, the consistency of God’s nature and the patterns of the seasons […]

Playing Catch Up

Playing Catch Up

I don’t know about you, but I find myself playing catch up with projects. There are quieter seasons and busier seasons. And in those busy seasons it seems a bit of a trick to catch anything up without something else slipping behind. And I get that that’s my choice. It is directly connected to what […]

Brighter Days Ahead

Brighter Days Ahead

There are always brighter days ahead. Whether you are in a trying time or on top of the world, when we give God our best, there is always something to anticipate! A Thrill of Hope I love that phrase, “a thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices”. The world is so crazy right now. Terrible […]

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference – isn’t that an inspiring book title?! Now that I’ve discovered Norman Vincent Peale I just knew I had to read it. I appreciate his take on the importance of living an enthusiastic life. His reminds us that one’s perspective or paradigm can be the difference between excelling and merely existing. […]

Life of Your Dreams

Life of Your Dreams blog

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you wake up each day, excited at the possibility it holds? Do you have hopes and dreams you are pursuing? If your answer is a resounding “yes!“, good for you! But if your answer is a wistful “I wish“, keep reading. What Are Your Dreams? You […]