When One Door Closes

When One Door Closes

“When one door closes another opens.” – Alexander Graham Bell

First off, I had no idea this saying was credited to Alexander Graham Bell!

Closed doors typically surprise me. I guess I don’t often feel that the answer in life is very often no. Rather “wait” seems to be the result of the unknown. Rarely is it a hard and fast no, closed door style.

Another Opens

But even when the answer is an absolute no, we can wait with hope for what’s ahead. There’s something better, something that will help grow our faith more and draw us closer to God.

An absolute no can be devastating in some instances, but what they bring in their place can be beyond our wildest dreams! We must stay faithful, hopeful, and patient as we wait to see where God is leading.

I can’t help but think of Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

We can be sure when we live a life to please God that when a door closes it is because He has an even better door waiting for us.

But When?

But when? Depending on what door closed for you, I can imagine that you are wondering when another opportunity will come along. Perhaps it is a business opportunity or a relationship that you took the higher path with and now are left with nothing – door closed.

Take courage, my friend! When you say no to something because you are saying yes to the morals and values that God impresses on you as important, you’ve won more than half the battle. Choosing to take a stand based on your understanding of Who God is and what He requires of you is perhaps one of the most challenging things you will ever do.

The Bible is full of examples of people who did the same thing. Noah listened to God and built an ark. Though the Bible doesn’t specifically say, I’m thinking he had to say no to much of what looked like normal life in those days in order to accomplish the task set before him. I don’t imagine there was much of an ark industry in those days, he was simply using his God-given skills to accomplish the mission set before him.

Perhaps he wondered exactly what we get caught up wondering – but when? When will the ark be used? When will I {Noah} better understand why You closed doors to lead me here? The conclusion of all these efforts will help me better understand why this is what you have me doing…but when?


I assume Noah had questions in his mind. I know on a personal level that I go through everyday things that are simply a part of life and I have questions! It’s not that I don’t trust God, just sometimes my patience runs thin. I’ve worked hard to give my best faithfully and yet I don’t feel I’m there – wherever there is.

And that’s where we finetune and grow our patience. In the faithful serving and pursuing where God has placed us.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Until God opens the next the door, praise Him in the hallway.” There is so much to that! God is forever faithful and He knows the plans He has for each one of us. Things can change in an instant or take a lifetime, but either way He is a good Father and it is our duty to give Him our best!

There is nothing more rewarding then serving Him well and seeing the result of our service bring glory to His name!

So patience, friend, we’re not the first people in history to have a door close before us. God’s got the details!

Make the Best of It

I was listening to something the other day and the man was saying that we won’t be precisely where we want to be in every area of life. But that doesn’t mean we need to be depressed and sad, rather make the most of where we are. Definitely set goals and work towards the areas of growth and change we seek, but make the best of where we are!

Perhaps you aren’t married yet, but what about your home – is it what you’ve dreamed and envisioned?! Or maybe you want to move to a new area, but you have the people you love surrounding you. Be grateful for the dreams you get to live even as you pursue the dreams in your heart!

In the end, be sure to thank God for the closed doors because as you seek Him, He uses them to steer you where He needs you! And there is nothing better than being where you can serve Him best!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2021/11/17/make-plans/

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