Something Better

Something Better

It all started out as a bit of a joke. I confess I can have a corny sense of humor. There was a business that we were working with and they had a slogan, “Something Good”. Things didn’t go smoothly, there was a bit of a hassle, but we parted ways amicably enough. But instead […]

Living Your Best Life

Living Your Best Life blog

Are you living your best life? Remarkable and adventurous lives are built on remarkable and adventurous decisions, surrounded by sound wisdom. Do you ever look at another person and think they have it made? Perhaps they have a dream job (be it motherhood or a boutique owner), drive a nice car, and have a lovely […]

You Have Incredible Capabilities

Incredible Capabilities

You have incredible capabilities within you. Did you know that? It is said, that if we didn’t hold ourselves back, doubt ourselves, and question so much, we could do far more as children of God. The picture that put in my mind inspired me greatly. Let me pass that inspiration on to you! Vital Foundations […]

Elevate Your Life

Elevate Your Life

In order to elevate your life you must elevate the choices you make. Choose the higher path, a better way, to begin to make the changes you want to see. Surround yourself with people and opportunities that elevate your life. You cannot rise if you always aim low. Aim Higher It seems rather obvious to […]