Elevate Your Life

Elevate Your Life

In order to elevate your life you must elevate the choices you make. Choose the higher path, a better way, to begin to make the changes you want to see.

Surround yourself with people and opportunities that elevate your life. You cannot rise if you always aim low.

Aim Higher

It seems rather obvious to say, but if you want to elevate your life, you’ll need to aim higher. In order to reap more benefits you will need to make more efforts.

What does it mean to elevate your life? Elevating your life can look like different things to different people.

Perhaps it is elevating your thoughts and attitudes so as to have a more pleasant attitude towards those around you. Maybe it’s physical, you want to represent yourself better so you begin exercising or fine-tune your general appearance. It could even be something as fun as fashion – you want to discover your signature look, so you develop your unique style.

Elevating your life comes in different ways and efforts. There is no one way to accomplish it. Ask God in what ways you can elevate your life to honor Him. Be prepared for unexpected direction!

Make the Necessary Changes

If you want something different, you are going to have to do something different. There are no two ways around it.

In order to elevate your life, you are going to have to elevate your decisions. Good things take time and work – but they are always worth it!

What are some changes you need to make today? Small, deliberate changes can lead to satisfying and encouraging results! On the other hand, changing nothing changes nothing.

Take courage, seek God, and determine what changes you need to make in your life and then do them. Knowing and not doing is going to only bring frustration. True we can’t live a perfectly ideal life here on this earth, but we can live a life that allows us to be vibrant and enthusiastic representations of our God! And that is the goal of a Christian elevating their life.

Work for What You Want

In order to accomplish your dreams, to elevate your life, to see results, you have to put in the work. Every day, every decision, every opportunity, you have to analyze and determine whether it is taking you towards the life you dream of or away from it.

Sometimes a thing seems to be in align with your dreams and goals only to discover that it is not. Adjust and keep moving forward. Don’t mourn the lost time, don’t allow the hiccup to upset you. Simply seek to do the best you can with what you know, and then adjust when you know better!

Perhaps you just need a bit more self-discipline to get up on time or go to bed at a good hour. What are you waiting for? You want the results, right? Put in the work!

Do you have a dream job? What is stopping you from applying now? Work towards what is necessary (proper uniform, experience, know-how), and then grab your courage and put in that application!

I truly believe that when we sincerely seek God and surrender our lives to Him, He uses our inclinations and our dreams to steer us towards the path He would have us take! It is fascinating to see where He leads!

Elevate Your Life

So what is the purpose of elevating our lives? Because if we aren’t growing we are falling behind. If you aren’t growing your relationship with God, it is suffering. If you aren’t exercising and making good diet choices, your body suffers. When you don’t practice and use your skills, they don’t magically improve on their own.

The purpose of elevating our lives should be to give God our best in all we do! Whether it is our interaction with families or strangers, the work we do after hours when all the customers have gone home, or the way we talk to the delivery people – it all matters.

We are ambassadors for God and we have a reputation to protect – His. If we are the only Christian that a person comes in contact with, we want to stand out as something special. Not because of who we are but because of Whose we are.

Making the choice to continually elevate your life is a big one. But when you choose big things and put in the work, you will see big results!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2023/08/30/never-stop-improving/

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