You have to be Lovable

You have to be Lovable

What with Valentine’s Day having just passed, I wanted to share a little something with you that I found endearing! A bride-to-be was complaining to her wedding planner that her groom’s mother and sisters didn’t seem to like her. She was concerned that they wouldn’t welcome her into the family as they hadn’t seemed to […]

Help Yourself to Happiness

Help Yourself to Happiness

Happiness is something that most people want in life. I know I do, and I truly think it is an excellent thing to aspire to! Just last week I was listening to a podcast from the academy that I have recently joined and the topic was happiness. “If Mama Isn’t Happy, Nobody is Happy” the […]

Intentional vs Reactive

Intentional vs Reactive

When asked what my word for the year would be for 2018, I did some deliberating and then decided on intentional. I want to make intentional decisions that help propel me to where I need to be. I want to think intentional thoughts rather than just letting my mind race around in a crazy manner. […]

No Apologies Necessary

No Apologies Necessary

I’ve recently come to the realization that I make far too many apologies. When it comes to the people I am close to, my default form of sympathy or empathy seems to be apologies. When I am late for something with others, I apologize. Even if the reason I was late is because I paused […]