Something Better

Something Better

It all started out as a bit of a joke. I confess I can have a corny sense of humor. There was a business that we were working with and they had a slogan, “Something Good”.

Things didn’t go smoothly, there was a bit of a hassle, but we parted ways amicably enough. But instead of wanting to work with a business whose motto was “Something Good”, we decided we needed to look for “Something Better”.

And as much as that was just a corny joke – let’s move from good to better – it seems to be applicable to every detail of life.

Something Better

Do you ever take a step back from your life and take stock of it? Your room, your home, your vehicle, office, desk, etc. Take a moment to look at it from a different perspective. Does your vehicle drive you nuts because it is cluttered? Instead of choosing to use it as it is and fight frustration, make the decision to keep a tidy vehicle and clean. it. out.

It’s crazy, but it’s not rocket science. We live with so much that irks us in the back of our mind. But if you’re at all like me, you run out of hours in the day so you just ignore the frustrations. Even as I write this, something popped into my mind that I need to take care of. Again, it’s not rocket science, I just need to take the time to tidy a single thing and it will bring me joy to get it done and peace not to have it in the back of my mind!

So pause today and look at an area of your life and really think about how you can take it from good to better. It is energizing to realize the difference small deliberate decisions can make!

Aim Higher

And then once we begin to realize the positive changes we can make in our lives, we need to realize how we can improve on the decisions we make. We can aim higher! If a cluttered vehicle is what irks you, be more intentional about what you put in it. If you catch yourself before you make a mess, you don’t have to clean it up.

This is also true of the decisions you make regarding how you spend your time and who you spend it with. Aim higher. High quality relationships require high quality people. Lower quality people do not yield high quality lifestyles. And this isn’t about being a snob, this is about being smart. If you want to grow your relationship with God – shouldn’t this be every Christian’s goal? – you need to seek fellow believers.

Life is like mathematics. Positives yield positives, but put a negative in there and your yield is lowered. Keep this in mind when making decisions. If you claim to be a Christian, this is God’s reputation that is at stake.

A Christian Lifestyle

“But you have to give up so much to live a Christian life.” I’ve heard this argument time and time again. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this isn’t about you. It isn’t about what you can get out of life, it’s not about the rewards for doing good. It’s not about you. Christianity is about Loving the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself.

Just think about Christ’s life. Do you think He spent His ministry traveling and helping people because He was cheered on and received well? Do you think it was easy, all that He went through – up to and including being crucified for our sins? I don’t think so. But it wasn’t about His comfort, it was about doing what He was called to do, what He was specifically designed to do, so that He might help bring about something better.

We as Christians are called to be Christ-like. Surrender our selfish desires and wants for something better. Not because it is popular or easy in the short-term, but because we have our sights set on serving God exceptionally well and representing Him to the best of our ability.

We have to aim higher and take things from something good to something better.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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