A Winning Attitude

A Winning Attitude

A winning attitude will take you far in life. No matter what might occur, what road blacks you might face, keep your focus on God and expect the best.

There is this phrase I’ve heard and it is “not tired of winning“. What if more people took that attitude? What if more people encouraged themselves in the face of seeming defeat and had a winning attitude? I can’t help but think our forefathers did. In the face of setting up a new country and government, they aimed for success and didn’t give up until they felt they had achieved it. That is huge and not for the faint of heart.

How can we garner the courage and boldness to have a winning attitude of our own? This is our one life, we should give it our best and pursue excellence!

Faith is Confidence

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

Did you ever do word problems in math? In those problems, the word is represents equals. Thus, when applied to this Bible verse you come away with faith equals confidence. What about that? Have you ever read that verse and seen that before? I found it quite exciting!

And yet, it makes perfect sense! Faith is confidence in what we are hoping for, in where we are going, in where God is leading. And when we really lean into that and don’t fight it, that is a winning combination!

There are things that I hope for. Things that I do not yet see. But I pray and I believe and I have confidence that if they are not what God has for me, He will change my heart and change my hopes.

At the same time, I know the reality that I currently am in. Yes, I hope for more – I really think we are all a work in progress – but where I am is important for now. So I pray and I ask God to help me knock the now out of the park while I anticipate what’s ahead. I have faith and confidence that as long as I keep Him central in my life, He will lead every step of the way. And if that doesn’t promote a winning attitude, I don’t know what will!


I can’t help but think that patience is essential to a winning attitude. No, it’s not glamorous or perhaps even what you want to hear, but I think it is a reality.

Personally, I feel like I have 47 things on my to do list – all of which I would like to accomplish right now – and things that are coming right up that need to be done. I was pondering the other day if it was just my age or because I work several jobs that I can feel so impatient at times. But then I heard an elderly man name off his list of things to do and things he was waiting on. I came to the conclusion perhaps it is just human nature.

We want to get things done and we are looking ahead to what is next. Some of us are more graceful in our patience and some of us are simply impatient!

I believe that patience is a key to a winning attitude. As I was reading the other day I came across this quote, “Patient understanding is the secret of all human relationships.” In work or familial relationships, patience is mandatory. Not to be taken advantage of by those who don’t perform well, but rather to give grace to those who give their best and have earned it.

She Smiles at the Future

Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future. – Prov 31:25

The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 certainly has a winning attitude. She works hard, has a husband, and a family, and she smiles at the future! Some translations even say “laughs” at the future. I love that! She doesn’t take things too seriously that she forgets to be lighthearted and delightful.

And isn’t that key to a winning attitude? A light heart and a cheerful disposition? I hardly think anyone would feel like they were winning with a long face and fear about the future.

The truth of the matter is that God holds the future. It is our duty to surrender our everything to Him and follow His lead. Somedays this is easier said than done, but the reward when we do it is incredible! When we wholeheartedly embrace the future He has for us, we can’t help but win!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2023/10/18/living-your-best-life/

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