Healing from Loss

Healing from Loss

Healing from loss is a blessed relief. No, it’s not the cheeriest topic, but it is something real you will deal with in life. Whether we’re talking about the loss of a friend or the death of a loved one, heartache is hard, but God is with us every step of the way.

I guess one reason it is especially important for me to share is that the healing and pressing on is vital. This world seems to almost glorify living with pain, but I don’t think that is God’s intention. The Bible says there are seasons, indicating to me that though trials and heartbreak happen, there is healing from loss and something better on the other side.

Loss is Hard

Whether we see it coming or it happens unexpectedly, loss is hard. It isn’t realistic, but I wouldn’t choose to lose people, I don’t think. I like to hang on, to encourage, to help and aid as I can. But that isn’t realistic. That is not the way of life, and that can be hard.

I’ve lost friends and loved ones. Some to death, some to life choices that don’t align with a Christian lifestyle. Some of these losses I’ve felt keenly, others were more vague.

I had a dear great uncle whom I was quite close to die, and as much as I missed him, I was glad that he and my aunt might be together again. He loved her dearly and would often talk about her. Though that loss was hard, it was also bittersweet.

I’ve lost friends that have embraced worldly foolishness. This loss happened more vaguely, we didn’t have a big fight and part ways. Rather we shifted apart and neither of us made the effort to reach back out. I think we understood we weren’t headed the same direction. We were literally best friends throughout childhood and that was fun and special, but that season passed.

Losing Someone Close

Losing someone close is terribly hard. Whether it’s a spouse or a parent or a loved one, it can be devastating. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but I understand it is the way of life. Scripture talks about there being a time for everything, a season for every purpose under the sun. God is our source of comfort, He loves us more than anyone else.

Without God, I don’t know how anyone gets through something like this. But this loss has the opportunity to really grow your relationship with God. He holds you in the palm of His hand. He’s got you.

So many nights I’d lay in bed and recite the 23rd Psalm. I’d never been so hurt in my life and I didn’t understand why, I just knew that God is always faithful and His love never fails, God I could count on without wavering. And I did.

I don’t say this for a pity party, truly. More to reassure you that pain of loss is normal. Healing takes time. But if you lean into God and surrender everything to Him, the healing is incredible and such a blessed relief.

Healing Takes Time

Healing from loss takes time, but it will happen. But this is the important part – you have to want to heal. And when I say it takes time, give yourself a year, be patient with your heart and yourself. A year isn’t a magical timeline, but at least for me, it was a blessing to get past a year of memories and reminders of what was gone.

Claim healing, thank God for the healing that comes, thank Him for His comfort, and thank Him for new horizons. Read encouraging books that comfort your heart and remind you of His unfailing love. Pursue a new hobby or job opportunity. Find productive things to fill your time, don’t just sit and suffer. Serve others, go out of your way to be a blessing.

Some people seem to find a sad comfort in hurting and reliving the hurt. The world seems to push anti-depressants and encourage you to feel all your feelings. And at first I get that those feelings are so difficult and real, but be patient and claim healing. Know that this is a season and that all seasons pass.

I once had a girl say that time doesn’t heal, it still hurts just as much. And I’m not saying that time is the healer, but it is a means of learning to heal and press on. Not that the hurt wasn’t there, but that you’ve learned a new grace to move forward with.

Like this girl, could I claim that the loss I suffered still hurts? I can’t say I could, because I want to press on. I want to be a better version of myself so that I can serve God better. Living depressed and hurt doesn’t honor God. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

And do you know what else I realized? Going through this loss has brought me out a new person, a better person. This isn’t me being cocky, but rather praising God, because I’ve never been broken like that before. And if He can take how broken I was and help me be better than I was before, who am I to complain?!

It is not through my own efforts, but through His healing grace. And that’s what I’m really trying to tell you about. I don’t want to share this ugly, hard part of my story, to be honest. But rather, His incredible care and kindness. His love never fails.

So choose healing, understanding that it takes time and work. But I promise you, it is so so worth it!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/

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