Anticipating the New Year

Anticipating the New Year

Now that we are well into November, I find myself anticipating the new year. I like to look ahead, ask God what He has for me and consider what opportunities I might want to pursue.

It is important to be looking ahead. Considering the future is a really good way to avoid short-sighted mistakes in the present. If everything was about right now and finding pleasure, then our choices would look a lot different, wouldn’t they?

But the truth of the matter is that as Christians our decisions should seek to reflect and honor God. It is our duty to think ahead and consider the cost of the decisions we make today.

Exciting Opportunities

I can’t help but think firsts are especially exciting! First time visiting places or meeting people, first opportunities and such. Creating a few “first-time” opportunities to look forward to excites me. And yet I find, when I’ve had a year like this one that is drawing to a close, with all the firsts of opening a coffee shop, hiring and training employees, etc, this will be a hard year to beat!

And in thinking about it, I wonder if next year will be more of a “hold steady” year. A year that we maintain what we’ve started this year. It seems to me this happened a few years back, when we started our last store. So many first-time opportunities and such and then the following year called for more faithfulness then anything else.

Half of this relieves me, because if we are being honest, this year has been a bit of a blur. Fun and exciting, and also hard and exhausting. But I’ll be the first to tell you that I chose this. I knew it would be time consuming and challenging. At times in life, you know you need something to keep yourself preoccupied and that was me. But as the time has gone on, I find myself anticipating the new year. Anticipating the rhythm it will bring, and yes, the adventure too!

Adventures Ahead

I love to anticipate adventures! I must have my father’s traveling tendencies, because if there’s a trip to be made or somewhere to visit, I instantly want to make plans! Owning businesses has cramped my travel bug, but it has inspired me to find adventures in my everyday life.

It is important to create the adventure that fuels you. This will look like different things to different people, but take some time to figure it out. It doesn’t have to be pricey or include a two week vacation to create memorable moments!

And remember to find adventure right where you are. Whether you work the checkout counter or are a waitress, expect to meet fascinating people and hear exciting stories. You literally never know what a day will bring! I can’t help but think that adventures find adventurous people!

Search Your Life

As you are anticipating the new year, search your life. Consider what you want to accomplish and what you need to get done. Sometimes the best way to move forward in life is to take care of all the borderline mundane things calling your name.

But the fascinating thing is when you buckle down and apply yourself to taking care of these less desirable activities, it opens you up for so much more! Get rid of clutter, tidy your belongings, clean your room and your car, and prepare for something new!

Don’t stop there. If there are rocky relationships you need to address, do it. I’m not saying go put yourself in harms way, but rather make your peace with people. The Bible says as long as we are able, be at peace with each other. You don’t want to live a life where you are avoiding and dodging people. That is exhausting.

Make any necessary apologies, forgive others, and move on. Not only will that bring you an incredible peace, but then you won’t have to worry about who might come in to your workplace or who you might bump into at the grocery store. Life is so much more enjoyable when we don’t have objects or rivalries cluttering our mind!

Until Next Time!


PS. Remember to pick up a planner for the coming year! If you’re looking for a pretty one, check out this one:

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