Hold On, I’m Coming

Hold On, I'm Coming blog

Hold On, I’m Coming is a song from way back, about 1966 or so. I grew up listening to older music, so am well familiar with it.

More recently, it has become a signature song played at President Trump’s rallies. It also plays at random at our shop, so whenever I hear it, I think of President Trump!

President Trump

When President Trump originally ran for President in 2016 I really wasn’t familiar with him. I didn’t really pay attention to politics at the time. I had previously really followed them, but then a lot happened that I found disheartening with Obama getting elected and such and I just found them frustrating. Obama was not pro-America and it discouraged me so I decided to focus on other things.

Then by some miracle Donald Trump won the election in 2016! We were all incredibly surprised and excited! He started by strengthening our military – and by doing that, he really got my attention! The more I learned about what he was doing, the more excited I got! He was pro-American! What a bizarre thing to have a President who loved our country! It truly seemed out of the ordinary to me! And as he shared what made America great to him, it gave me a deeper appreciation for this beautiful country!

The media hated him and wrote terrible pieces about him. Meanwhile, he did his job for free by donating each of his paychecks to some cause or charity. I remember one of his checks went to the National Parks to improve and upkeep them! What a generous gift!

As time continued, I enjoyed keeping up with politics and learning what he was doing. He made sound trade deals, encouraged American productivity, incentivized our farmers, etc! Then we approached the 2020 elections and it would seem the competition had nothing on him…and yet, we know how that got called.


And now we find ourselves in another election year! These last few years have been eye opening as to what all the deep state has been doing. It would seem that they did it deceptively before, but now they are loud and proud of their foolishness. It truly hurts my heart to see and hear all the nonsense and flagrant disregard for God’s Law.

Yet through it all, God is faithful! He always makes a way for His people and holds us in the palm of His hand. The Bible says that as long as our ways please Him, He will make even our enemies live at peace with us. And as always, He is faithful!

But this is the interesting part, there is a difference between our enemies and His enemies. Our enemies might be those with whom we have petty disputes or mild conflicts. In my opinion, ideally, we focus on bigger things and don’t waste time having enemies of our own. But enemies of God are a far different thing, we would be wise not to rush out to befriend them.

To me, enemies of God are those who flagrantly disobey Him. He gave us a simple list of ten commandments and it is our duty to obey them to the best of our ability – and when we fail, as we always will, recommit yet again to giving Him our best. Christianity isn’t a club that we let the rules slide to make all welcome. But rather it is a way of life that we do our best to hold to a high standard to bring glory to God.

Hold On, I’m Coming

The enemy loves to use division to weaken us. Refuse to listen to that lie! Instead of just listening to what the media or those loudest say, listen to the message that you are being told. Is it in line with God’s Word? Does it honor God? Is the message declaring the precious sanctity of life? Are we strengthening the family structure God created? Are we protecting what is ours to protect?

President Trump has done so much for our country and he has encouraged us greatly! He reminds us of what our forefathers fought for and what God has blessed us with. I’m so grateful to get to see this movement that he has inspired to draw us back together and fight for what is ours! Together we are so much stronger than divided!

May God continue to inspire men to stand up and end the foolishness that is running rampant in our country! And may women realize how they can encourage their God-given authorities to help them be as effective as possible!

May God bless America!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/

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