What Is Next?

What is Next?

What is next? In your life, your plans, or your dreams? How are things coming together for you? Are you excited about this next chapter of life?

No matter where we find ourselves, we should always be looking ahead. Content and grateful in the present, of course, but also anticipating the future!

The world around us may be painting a bleak story, but that does not have to keep us from looking ahead. If we will set our focus on God and His promises, He will guide us every step of the way.

Simple Promises

God promises throughout the Scriptures to direct us and make a way for us. Time and time again, He tells how He guides those who look to Him. Each time I read another of these promises, I am baffled how one could possibly worry about the details.

And I struggle with the same thing! I catch myself getting caught up in petty concerns. But if I will just remember to release them to Him, things have such a lovely way of sorting themselves out. Now if I would just not claim these concerns to begin with!

Learn New Things

A friend of mine recently shared how she was going to learn how to become a better cook. She knows the basics, but wants to fine tune her skill. Such a great goal – and a tasty one at that!

Her goal inspired me to think what area – outside of work – I wanted to work on and fine tune. Serving others well within my home seems to be on the top of my list. With this new goal in mind, I do my best to leave my work at work, so to speak. I used to bring home this and that with a mind to get a little more done, but now I try to just focus on how to help at home.

If I’m not distracted with thinking about what I want to accomplish, but rather how I might be the most helpful, I find myself at peace and sincerely interested in helping. This is teaching me flexibility too, which can be rather a rusty quality of mine.

Make a List

You might have sensed this coming: Make a List! You will be amazed at what you will accomplish if you will simply jot down a few dreams and goals!

My sister and I do this with our shop – a list of what ifs, so to speak. If we didn’t have any limitations, what would we do? It’s fun to dream. And then to see the potential of some of these dreams. You will find some ideas are actually capable of being achieved! And when you come back in a few months time to this list of incredible ideas, you might be amazed at how many things you can cross off – all because you took the time to dream big and make a list!

Lists are also super helpful with achieving menial tasks. If you have a hundred and one little things at the back of your mind, take the time to write them down. (Notice I said take the time, not wait until you get the time) Believe me, accomplishing several tiny tasks is incredibly satisfying!

Don’t Forget Your Journal or Planner

Every year I like to remind you to get your planner or journal for the upcoming year. There is nothing quite like being prepared! Keep track of what you need to do and write down what you dream of doing! Sometimes the most incredible things are only a baby step away from happening!

As you go about your day, remember to anticipate what is next! Don’t let yourself get stuck in the grind. Live each day with delight and eager expectation!

Until Next Time!


PS. Now go get your planner (or journal!) and head over here for more encouragement and inspiriation: www.theamericanlady.com.

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