A Perfect Balance

A Perfect Balance

I recently read an interesting thought: God created things with a perfect balance.

I hadn’t considered things in this light, but upon reflection, I see many areas where this applies. Though there is evil there is always good, blessings are balanced by responsibilities, questions are balanced by answers and direction, etc.

The more I ponder this idea, the more I understand it – and it gives me hope! Because within this perfect balance, the good far outweighs the bad if we will but focus on it and rejoice in it!

Good vs Evil

There is evil in the world. It’s loud, often in our face, and deceptive. It can be overwhelming, discouraging and disheartening.

But there is a perfect balance, one might even say a “more” perfect balance to it. There is good. And good isn’t merely good, good is all things lovely, pure, wonderful, etc. God is good! And the good far outweighs the evil. It might not be as noisy as the evil, but it is further reaching and more powerful!

Do you know when God created the world and what is in it that He said His creation was very good?! Instead of being overcome by the wickedness in the world, we should look at all the good that surrounds us. God’s provision, His protection and direction, His mercy and generosity!

There is a saying that goes, “When you focus on the good, the good gets better” and I think that is such a good reminder! Look for examples of God’s goodness and love. Focus on them and thank Him for them!

Blessings and Responsibilities

For the most part we are open to being blessed, aren’t we? Blessed with gifts, blessed with abundance, with kindness from others, with money or possessions. But these blessings come with a host of responsibilities.

Gifts are lovely, but we must remember to be grateful, to also turn around and give to others, and to appreciate them. We shouldn’t just be a sponge for gifts, but instead they should inspire us to give our best and pass the favor on to another!

Abundance can be a wonderful thing! Be it possessions, a return on our investments, etc, but this abundance comes with a price tag. We must be responsible and use these resources well. Not squander them, or even just hide them away, but rather put them to work for us.

I remember reading a story about a man who coveted a wealthy man’s house. He thought the wealthy man had it made in the shade. One day, he decided to confront him about it. What the first man hadn’t considered and what the wealthy man pointed out to him was that yes, the house was nice and luxurious, but the power bill was large, the cost of maintenance was high, and there were ongoing costs that added up.

I’ve even seen this play out in my own life. Owning a boutique shop, people seem to think the life is easy and effortless. And it is lovely and rewarding to be sure, but what they don’t see is the long hours, the careful budgeting to make bills, and the long days when we don’t see many customers.

Questions vs Answers

Questions, questions, questions. Somedays I feel that I have more questions than answers, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

But when I shift my perspective, I realize that for all the questions I have, God already has answers! I may not have those answers yet, but that’s why He is God and perfectly in charge!

The Bible is full of answers, of direction and guidance. It reminds us to wait and be at peace, to pray and boldly step into what God has for us.

Whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed and uncertain, consider God and His Word and know that there is a perfect answer, and in the perfect time God will reveal it to you.

And the list goes on …

These are only a few examples of the incredible balance that God blesses us with. Reading Scripture you will find so many more – the Bible is full of stories of choices people made and the consequences of those choices – yet another perfect balance!

Do you suppose perhaps that is why we are always searching for balance in our lives? Maybe God put that desire in us because that is part of His design.

Consider this in certain areas in your life and see what you might discover. There is no better pursuit in life than to look for evidence of God and His perfect design!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2017/12/06/balance-vs-extremes/

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