Peaceful on Purpose

Peaceful on Purpose

I have been reading Joel Osteen’s new book Peaceful on Purpose and I have really been enjoying it. Much like all of his books, his simple reminders to trust God and be your best for Him really inspire me. These are things I know to do, and yet with all the busyness and distractions in the world can get forgotten.

The title alone, Peaceful on Purpose, is such a good reminder. The obvious reality check that we can purposefully and intentionally choose peace is wonderful. The Bible tells that we are given abundant grace for what we go through, so if we will intentionally choose it and claim it, we have the opportunity to live much happier lives!

And what better way to represent God than by being at peace, joy-filled and hopeful?!

Finding Peace

What does peace mean to you? For me, it is being at ease, confident that God is in control.

I believe that as Christians living in peace should be one of our goals. In the New Testament, Christ states that He gave us the gift of peace. Peace keeps us calm as the enemy tries to concern and upset us. It helps remind us Who is in control.

How do you find peace? In God’s Word, through prayer, and by surrounding yourself with those who encourage your relationship with God. Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. And then lather, rinse, repeat.

Finding peace is a lifelong quest – and a wonderful one at that!

Being Purposeful

We must be purposeful in our life. Our time, resources, and energy can all be squandered or they can be intentionally used.

God is a purposeful God. He created everything with its own specific role to fill and He is orderly beyond our imagination! He is the epitome of being purposeful!

As we go about our days, we should ask Him what He has for us to do and then pursue what He shows us with energy and determination.

I once read a quote that went something like, “Do or don’t. You can’t simply try.” I loved this reminder. So often I see people try “at” something, perhaps a business or lifestyle change, not be successful and then move on. But you can’t do this to yourself! It will discourage and dishearten you.

But if you will look to God, He will direct your steps! True, there will most likely be changes and adjustments along the way, but all that is up to you is to give your best where He leads!

Peaceful on Purpose

Choosing to live at peace on purpose will propel you further than you can imagine! When we submit to God and step into what He has for us, magic happens! Doors open that we hadn’t considered, opportunities present themselves out of the clear blue, and we will know a peace and joy unlike any other!

God is in His heaven and the best is yet to come!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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