Raise Your Average

Raise Your Average

It is said that you are the average of the top five people with which you spend time.

I had not heard this before, but I found it quite intriguing and I do believe it makes sense. You are who you spend time with, that’s why Scripture warns that “bad company corrupts good morals,” but also, “iron sharpens iron.

Another interesting point I read was, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” As humans, we typically like to surround ourselves with friends (be it one or several). We like the camaraderie and the sense of belonging. But it is essential that we choose our friends well! Do they encourage and build us up? Do they inspire us to be our best for God? We always want to be sure we choose quality over quantity, and this is another good area to check for that.

Raise Your Average

Consider your friends or even acquaintances with which you spend the most time. Do they bring you down or lift you up? Do you feel the urge to hide when they come around or do you anticipate seeing them?

If you feel the urge to hide or if your mood plummets when they come around, consider why. Is it because they aren’t the best fit for you? Or maybe it is because you have to contribute a lot to the relationship.

God brings people into our lives for a specific reason and sometimes it is so that we might bless them. Don’t grow weary in well doing if this is the role that you are playing in this relationship, but also keep in mind if after a time perhaps you have outgrown this relationship. Some relationships are only for a season, very few are for a lifetime.

Bring Your A Game

Your “A” game is when you bring your best. You step up with your best attitude, make your best effort, and fill your role to the best of your ability. “A” people bring their “A” game. “A” people attract “A” people.

“B” people do pretty well. They are encouraged by “A” people and can improve their game, but also slide back to being “B” people without constant encouragement. “B” people rarely make the transition to becoming “A” people, they just lack the stick-to-it-ive-ness. (do you like that technical term?!)

“C” people are comfortable with who they are. They are who they are, they take what life throws at them and just coast through life. I’m sure you can see where this is heading, when you coast, you don’t improve yourself and give your best.

In employment, it is said that “A” people like to hire “A” people, but sometimes they will give “B” people a chance. But when left in charge, “B” people attract “C” people. They don’t hire up.

I think this is a good analogy for life. If you want to raise your average, you have to be sure to surround yourself with “A” people. True you will encounter “B” and “C” people throughout life, and I think it is good to encourage them, but if you want to be your best surround yourself with “A” people.

Be Your Best

There seems to be a constant theme to what I write and it is this: Be Your Best. There is no better way to show our gratitude to God for all He does for us and gives than to be our best. That’s why we want to raise our average, surround ourselves with quality people and never stop improving.

Another way you should raise your average is to keep learning and fine tuning your occupation. Creativity and skill is limitless, so if we will look for resources we can learn how to master our skill set!

You can apply this effort in so many areas in life other than your work. Perhaps you want to pursue a new hobby, improve a relationship, or further your education. Go for it! Raise your average!

Until Next Time!


PS. I like to learn by reading. Books give me fresh perspectives and spark new ideas! One of my favorite resources for books lately has been Christianbook.com. Enjoy!

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