Faith and Prayer

Let’s discuss two very important things, faith and prayer. Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Right off, faith is dear to me because it involves hoping, believing in something not yet obvious. But at what point does reality meet faith? How can we best practice and grow our faith? Should it be limited by reality?

And what about prayer? I’ve heard people comment that they didn’t know how to pray. I cannot even imagine not having such an important tool in my life! It has truly changed my life!


Let’s start with prayer. Prayer is a conversation we have with God. It can be audible or silent, long or short, complex or simple. Prayer shouldn’t be a once a week kind of thing, but rather an ongoing communication with God.

Prayer is incredible and powerful. And we must remember it’s power and importance. God has given us an amazing gift to be able to talk with Him directly. The Bible says that if any of us lacks wisdom, we can ask of God and He will give it generously and without reproach. What an awe-inspiring gift!

A few days ago, I was troubled by a situation. I felt at my wits end and couldn’t figure what I could possibly do about it. A still, small voice reminded me to pray. Of course, I can pray, I thought to myself, but I can’t do anything. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Praying is doing something about it. I need to give the situation to God in prayer, do my part, and leave the rest of it in God’s capable hands.

Sometimes prayer is straightforward and direct. And other times I’m not quite sure what to pray. Lord, you know my heart, I will pray. Teach me how you would have me pray about this situation. And I am confident He will – in His perfect time!

Don’t try to hide anything from God in prayer. Not only is it futile (and a bad idea), but He is God and knows all. Every thought in our head and wish in our heart. Share your deep thoughts and wishes with Him and ask Him to shape them into what He has for you! It truly is an incredible way to pray and will help you pursue His will for you that much more easily!


I’ve been praying a lot about faith lately. I want to grow my faith, to expectantly hope for what is ahead. As I was visiting with a friend about it, we both shared a struggle. It’s hard to have faith because we can’t see what’s ahead.

And isn’t that just ironic? That is the entire point of faith. Confidence in God’s plans. Knowing that the One in control can see and that it isn’t up to us to have all the answers. But knowing and doing have always been – and I am beginning to think will always be – two very different things.

As I learn more about faith, I find that it isn’t the little details that are so vital to know, but rather the bigger picture: God’s got this. Whether His plan for me is this or that, He will never forsake me. He will hold me safely in the palm of His hand.

Perhaps faith isn’t necessarily knowing the infinitesimal details, but rather confidence in the big picture. Armed with this new perspective, I find that I can have the utmost confidence in His plan for me. I can trust Him with my finances, relationships, opportunities and, everything really! He is a good Father and I am the apple of His eye!

Such a powerful thing, one’s perspective! What are your thoughts on faith and prayer? I’d love it if you’d share them!

Until Next Time!


PS. As I wrote this, I couldn’t help but have an ah-ha moment: Generously and without reproach – that’s how I want to learn to give to others! I share more about giving here:

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