Where to Find Inspiration and Direction

Where to Find Inspiration and Direction

Where to Find Inspiration and Direction

Do you ever spend lots of time looking for inspiration and searching for direction only to feel less-than-inspired? Me too, I think that is part of life! But on the bright side, we can be intelligent in our search! Here are a few ideas:

First off, pray about it. The Bible says, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Don’t you just love that? Generously and without reproach! As if giving wisdom generously wasn’t enough of an amazing gift, God doesn’t reproach us for asking! No need to feel a fool for needing direction or inspiration! (I needed this reminder!)

Do what you know to do. These are routine things that need to get done. Depending who you are and what you do these things might include your day job, the laundry, meal prep or secretarial work. When you don’t know what to do, do what you need to do. Will this make things magically clear and a path obvious, you might wonder? Well no, but these things have to be done, and just think, when your path becomes clear, you’ll be able to pursue it!

Go work on a “given a chance” project. Now that you have your required tasks in hand, move on to the next thing on your list. You know, those things you’d like to do “given a chance”. Well, here’s your “chance”! Take it – my gift to you! Go work on one of those projects that you have always wanted to do/planned to do. Sometimes the best way to find inspiration is letting your subconscious work on it. Keeping your brain filled with useful, resourceful projects will often produce a “light bulb” moment when inspiration strikes!

If you’re still not certain what to do (and you’re out of projects!) go be a friend to someone. Help them with a project or just give them time and attention. If the opportunity presents itself, share your search for direction – try to be specific about what you are looking for. Often, having to put into words just what it is that you are looking for will inspire fresh insight. It will force your need to develop from just a thought into real words. And it’s always lovely to bounce ideas off people – that’s what friends are for!

Obviously, you don’t have to wait until you are out of projects to go share with a friend. Everyone is different and approaches life from their own perspective – and I love that! Find what works for you! And don’t get discouraged at the time this can take – all good things take time! ♥

So the last bit of advice I’ll offer is this, have peace and patience while you wait for inspiration and direction to strike. God hasn’t forgotten about you or your needs so wait in quiet contentment for His perfect timing! And remember Jeremiah 33:3 (another favorite verse of mine!) “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

God is just waiting to amaze and bless you in ways that you haven’t even imagined! 

Now isn’t that a grand way to approach a weekend?! Please share your story, your search for direction and inspiration, how God has revealed Himself to you – I’d love to hear!

Until Next Time!


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