You Are Equipped

You are Equipped blog

If you are seeking God and giving Him your best, you can be certain that you are equipped. He is directing your steps and guiding you in the way He would have you go.

Without God, we are nothing. But with God, we can do all things!

This idea isn’t new to me, but I was introduced to a new depth to it and I want to share that with you.

God is All Powerful

We know that God is all powerful. No matter your denomination, I would say most Christians would agree to this. He created the heavens and the earth, the sky and the sea, man and woman, etc.

God can accomplish anything and is limited by nothing. He directs the wind and the rain, the sea and the ships on the sea. All things are known to Him, even the thoughts in our minds and hearts. I can’t even list all that He is and all that He does and is capable of doing. He is God and He is all powerful.

And Then There’s You and I

And then there’s you and I, mere mortals. Fallible, well-intentioned I’m sure, but as human as they come. Some days we own it and really do well, other days we just wonder how it can feel like so many things are coming against us.

Yet there in the back of our mind is that gentle reminder that we are well equipped, that God guides and provides where He directs. Ooh, that we could have that reminder on repeat and let it encourage our hearts! We believe it for sure, we just struggle with unbelief and we doubt ourselves.

And Yet

And yet, God is God. Capable of anything, limited by nothing. And if that is so, don’t you realize He can use you and I, despite our inadequacies, to accomplish His work?! He is not limited through what we see as our limitations! Isn’t that wonderful and exciting to realize?!

It is as if I don’t doubt God in the least, but I doubt myself. But in doubting myself, I discover that that is doubting God! And I never meant to doubt God – I’d be a fool to do so!

Somehow, I think it can almost come across as pious or overly humble to doubt yourself. And I’m not saying being humble is a bad thing in the least! But I think that we need to realize that God is using us – He uses you and He uses me – despite our imperfections and inadequacies to accomplish His work!

He has used people throughout history and what an honor to be chosen by Him to accomplish a little piece in this puzzle called life!

You Are Equipped

So as you go about your day, may your fire and enthusiasm for your life return! May you remember that you are equipped for where He leads. Yes, you must submit to Him and seek Him, and yes there will be trials and hard days, but know that He is working in you and through you to accomplish His work! What an honor to work for the King of Kings!

May God bless you and spark a new joy in your heart! Look for that joy and you will surely find it!

Until Next Time!


PS. What are some topics you would enjoy reading about? Please comment below or send me an email.

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