Time in History

Time in History

Do you ever ponder your time in history? It is said that some young people have an old soul, and to me that means that they aren’t like the other typical youngsters in their circle. They are more mature, more thoughtful and careful.

I admire young people that aren’t concerned about being the cool kids. I don’t expect them to dress in prairie clothes or anything, but youngsters that have manners, a nice personality, and a good head on their shoulders seem few and far between.

I’ve heard disrespectful kids and young adults explained away as just how they are these days. But what if we weren’t so quick to give them that excuse. What if we realized that, like every generation before us, disrespect and bad manners had to be overcome and taught better? Instead of making excuses or overlooking poor manners we made an effort to start earlier and train better?

This Next Generation

Training our children will require a lot of work on our part for sure, but personally I don’t want my children to be remembered as part of the generation that wasn’t respectful. On the contrary, I want my children’s generation to be the generation that made the comeback, the one where the parents got serious about their job as parents and focused more on their children than on distractions.

Children really are the most important thing and I think that might be why there are so many distractions. As the saying goes, “Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work.” The world constantly tells you, you need a break, you need time off, think of yourself, etc, etc. Whenever the world is loud about something, I always recall how the world didn’t agree with Christ. So perhaps the loudness of the world is a blessing in disguise as it can help us better understand our jobs as Christians and question everything it pushes!

Though I’m not a parent, I have had the privilege of being an aunt to many adorable little nephews and nieces. And I’m here to tell you, children don’t make anything faster, easier or less expensive. But when you focus on all the positives, the adorable tendencies of these tiny people, the efforts of their trying to copy you, the sweet little mispronunciations of words, the plush arms around your neck, they are more than worth their weight in gold.

True Love

We’ve talked about love recently, it is unselfish and sincerely desires the true good of another. What if we practiced this towards our children? Instead of seeing them as a chore and an inconvenience, but rather – and especially as women – saw how loving, training and caring for them well helps us step more fully into who God wants us to be?

Our time in history isn’t a mistake or an accident. You aren’t just a random person to God. He placed you specifically where He has you and He set the people around you very specifically too.

Perhaps you aren’t married or don’t have children in your life, that doesn’t mean that you can’t practice being the best you can be for those around you. Maybe you have an elderly aunt or uncle – consider making them a priority in your life. Write them notes semi-frequently, go visit them or take them for a drive. Invest in the people around you and seek to be a blessing. And as always, pray and ask God what He would have you do! He always gives direction, we just have to look for it and remain open to it!

I pray this has encouraged and inspired you! One of the best ways to blossom in life is to serve others well! Practice being the light that the Bible talks about! Make the most of your time in history!

Until Next Time!


PS. Here is where we talked about love – enjoy! https://www.theamericanlady.com/2022/03/09/god-is-love/

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