Interest Increases Value

Value - true value - is just waiting for you to discover it!

I’m not sure I’ll ever truly develop the earnest desire to sort and file a pile of papers. But ‘not feeling like it’ is not an option for me. My job requires me to keep many papers organized and available. I can avoid filing and organizing until I have an overwhelming amount or I can choose to find interest in what I do. Learning about what these papers represent can increase my perception of their value. Also, I can learn how to be efficient and file these papers in a system that another could use to find the papers that they may need.

I am sure that you are quite familiar with the idea that “you do not truly appreciate that which you have not earned.” I heard this idea ages ago and found it quite interesting and true.

When I work for something, really put in the time, the effort or the money, I am acutely aware of the value that this thing holds. On the other hand, when I am given something, I have to be alert and make sure that I show appropriate gratitude. Now don’t get me wrong – I love receiving gifts, really I do – I just have to be more intentional in my gratitude when I receive gifts so that I appreciate their value!

I think this idea of not appreciating what we have not earned applies to so much of life. You hear of spoiled children not appreciating all that they have since they are using their father’s or grandfather’s money or things. These children haven’t learned the value of work nor perhaps have they learned the value of finding interest in work.

But this lesson doesn’t apply just to spoiled children. It applies to all of us! Just because we don’t find an attraction or interest towards different avenues of work, that doesn’t mean that with the right attitude we won’t discover a value for it!

Perhaps there are things in life that you don’t feel like doing. I get that – truly I do. But as we grow up, we must learn not to let our desires or feelings too strongly steer our lives.

When you put time and effort into developing an interest, you will find value.

This is such an important thing to learn in life. I read and hear a lot that you should follow your interests – and you definitely should where you can – but don’t let that be your only deciding factor in what to do with your life.

God often calls us to step out of our comfort zones so that we can accomplish things for Him. And let me tell you – that, and that alone, is why we are on this earth. To accomplish things for Him. He doesn’t call us to only step up when we “feel like it”.

Pursuing God and His plans can feel intimidating and scary, but I guarantee you that there is nothing better that you can do with your life. What He requires of you will be different than what He requires of other people – but know this, He will never ask you to do something that He will not help you do. I have been scared, intimidated and overwhelmed in my life when it comes to some of the things that I’ve had the opportunity to do. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where you build faith and trust in our Creator. He is good; He is merciful; and He is so faithful!

I encourage you to step up in your life. Ask God what He has for you to do. We are all in the family, place, time, business, and relationship that we are currently in for a reason and a specific purpose. Realize the value that you currently have and can offer.

Don’t settle for how things are – be all that you can be in all that you do! And let all that you do be for God’s glory!

This idea, to develop an interest in order to realize value, rather reminds me of a quote I read a little while back. Something along the lines of, “Don’t wait until you feel like doing something. Do it first and then the feelings will follow. Actions are far easier to control then feelings.” Isn’t that fantastic?!

Develop an interest in your life – in the here-and-now and in what’s ahead – to bring the best value to God and those around you!

Leave me a note below – I love hearing from you!

Until Next Time!


PS. If this post encouraged you, I really think this one will speak to you too –

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