The Greater the Reward

The Greater the reward, the greater the responsibility.

I remember reading about the connection between rewards and responsibility several years back. The book referred to a man who purchased a large house in a nice neighborhood. Everyone who knew the man thought he was the luckiest guy ever. They shared with him how nice it would be if they too could be so […]

Interest Increases Value

Value - true value - is just waiting for you to discover it!

I’m not sure I’ll ever truly develop the earnest desire to sort and file a pile of papers. But ‘not feeling like it’ is not an option for me. My job requires me to keep many papers organized and available. I can avoid filing and organizing until I have an overwhelming amount or I can […]

Increasing the Value of Your Relationships

Increasing the Value of Your Relationships

To value is to consider the worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance of something or someone. It is rather fascinating to me, once again I find that ideas formed to help improve businesses and how they operate, also improve life and your outlook. I remember first noticing this about ten years ago, back when I was beginning my first company. I always made an […]

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words Though it probably won’t take me a thousand words, I wanted to share a story with you that left quite an impression on me! I use open source / copyright free images for some of my work. These images are offered by many people, one of which has many […]