The Greater the Reward

The Greater the reward, the greater the responsibility.

I remember reading about the connection between rewards and responsibility several years back. The book referred to a man who purchased a large house in a nice neighborhood. Everyone who knew the man thought he was the luckiest guy ever. They shared with him how nice it would be if they too could be so lucky.

After hearing about it for a while, the man grew tired of it. So one day, mid-conversation with yet another person who thought his house was the best thing ever, he surprised this person (who we’ll call Bob) by telling him that he no longer wanted it, he wanted to give it to Bob. Bob was stunned and elated! Finally, he had had a lucky break!

As Bob considered what this meant, the original owner of the house began to go over the details of owning a home of this size in this area. He shared the cost of the payments, the requirements of upkeep in the neighborhood, the power bill, the security system, insurance and the like. The more he shared, the more Bob panicked. He wanted the perks of the house without the price.

The book went on to say that when we see impressive things, be it lovely homes, popular celebrities, successful businesses and the like, it is important to realize that all of their success – all of these rewards – came with a price.

The Bible says it best of all in Luke:

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.

In short, the greater the reward, the greater the responsibility.

Does this mean that we should shy away from rewards and gifts for fear of too much responsibility? Absolutely not! It simply means that we should be aware of what we wish for! We don’t want to be like Bob, envying the perks and then recoiling from the responsibilities.

Think how much better it would be if we rejoiced in the rewards, knowing full well that they aren’t free. They come at a price, but this cost helps us to appreciate them all the more! And truly, knowing that everything comes with a price, doesn’t it help drive away envy? The temptation to envy another’s rewards is greatly reduced when you realize that their rewards are not free!

So is the worth of a reward tarnished by the cost, the responsibility required? Not in the least! On the contrary, it truly adds value to it and helps us to appreciate it all the more! We appreciate most what we work hardest for.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be a worker approved of my wages. I want to be willing to go the second mile, shoulder the responsibility required, so that I might accomplish what God has for me! The more I work to bring value to the those around me, the more He blesses me. The more He blesses me, the more I am determined to reflect Him and bring value to those around me!

What about you?! Will you pursue what He has in store for you – accepting the responsibility along with the reward?!

Until Next Time!


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