Let’s Celebrate!

Let's celebrate the milestones, the lessons learned, the promotions, the victories - and while we are at it, let's celebrate the future!

Can you believe it is already 2019?! I can’t! As I was closing out my 2018 planner and starting my new planner this year, I came across an excellent reminder – the reminder to celebrate!

So let’s do just that – let’s celebrate! Let’s celebrate the milestones, the lessons learned, the promotions, the victories – and while we are at it, let’s celebrate the future!

So here’s how we’ll do it, I’ll post a question or thought, and then give it my own personal answer. Then I want you to consider the thoughts and write your own answers! It is an excellent exercise – even if you are busy, make the time. It will elevate your gratitude and enthusiasm remarkably!

The Most Memorable Moment(s):

My parent’s 50th Anniversary is definitely one of the most memorable moments of the past year! Many of my siblings and I got together and planned a special, surprise party to celebrate our parents! We invited family and friends, booked a lovely location, hired a photographer, hung twinkle lights and more! It was such a delight to plan such a wonderful party for such a remarkable couple!

Another memorable event was buying my first vehicle! My father helped me figure out what I wanted and we began searching. Before long, he found one and we met up to look it over and test it out! Amazingly, we paid for it and drove it home the same night! It was a delightful surprise that it came together so quickly!

Now it is your turn – what are some of your most memorable moments from last year?

Nicest Thing(s) I Did:

Hands down, it would be spending time with the people I love. I so enjoyed our family vacation back in June! It was beautiful and such a good time! Visiting with my parents at the end of the day means so much to me too! I also love moments I’ve snagged with my little nephews and nieces. What can I say, time seems to be my love language – spending time with my people fills my cup!

What is one of the nicest things you did last year? Stop and really give it some thought!

The Most Important Thing(s) I Learned:

Without a doubt, it would be to trust God more completely. I’ve always known that He is perfect, that He doesn’t make mistakes, and that I am imperfect and do. But this year I learned a new aspect of this, and that is, though I give my best and then fail, He never fails. And my failure does not surprise Him – it is a part of His perfect plan and design for my story, not just an enormous fault on my part. I’ve been learning to accept that gracefully this past year. He didn’t create me to be perfect, just to pursue the perfect example that He has set!

What have you learned this past year – something that is truly important to you?

Isn’t it incredibly encouraging to consider what we have learned? Looking back and remembering the past is a good exercise so that we may move forward with more enthusiasm and gratitude for life! Let’s celebrate the life we have been blessed with and give our very best! Happy 2019!

Until Next Time!


PS. What have been the highlights of your year? Find inspiration here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/08/15/highlights-of-2018/

2 Replies to “Let’s Celebrate!”

  1. Ok,

    My most memorable moment would be my trip in June! And Matthew turning one. And so many other things!😉
    My biggest lesson learned is if you aren’t sure if you should say something don’t say anything.
    The nicest thing I did would be taking mom oout to get a ice cream

    1. I love them! Isn’t it neat to reflect on the year like this?!

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