The Lost Valentine

The Lost Valentine - Now you have my heart. I will always love you.

Once upon a time, back during the second World War, there was a young woman working for the USO. She cheerfully met and assisted many soldiers and their families. One day, a familiar voice called her name and she looked up to see a neighbor from years back standing in his white officer’s uniform.

A whirlwind romance followed. Three days later they were engaged and within a week they were married. Things moved quickly back then we are told. They bought a cozy little cottage and worked to turn it into their home. They put up a picket fence and planted roses. Before long, a little baby was on the way.

They soon learned that it was time for him to serve his country. Sadly, they kissed goodbye at the train station as he climbed aboard to be shipped out. It was Valentine’s Day and also their first anniversary. As he leaned out the train window to say one last goodbye, his lovely wife handed him his Valentine.

Days turned into months for that pretty wife. She worked in her garden, she kept a pretty house, and prepared for their sweet little baby. Letters were written, each of hers ending with a carefully lipsticked-kiss. Planes would fly overhead and she would say yet another prayer for her brave husband.

And then the day came for baby to arrive. Her parents brought her and a cute, round little baby boy home. She mailed a picture of herself and the baby to her husband. He kept it in the valentine she had sent with him.

Several more months went by and one day, her husband was reported as missing in action. Frightened and sad, the wife kept reminding herself that he was only reported missing, not dead.

Fast forward to modern day, the wife is at the train station waiting for the train to bring her husband home. Every year on Valentine’s Day she goes to wait for him to keep a date they made decades before.

A local news station hears about this couples’ story and gives it to a young lady reporter to cover. The young reporter doesn’t see the importance of the story and begins half-heartedly.

Soon she is drawn into what an incredibly sweet story it is. She quietly begins a hunt for this Soldier who went missing in action so many years before. She thoroughly researches the soldiers’ unit and the men with which he served. Little by little, her efforts pay off as she finds people and documentation that tells the rest of the story.

The soldier had been behind enemy lines with another member of his unit. The locals had attempted to sneak them out, but could only take one person at a time, so the soldier sent his comrade. He continues to make his way with the locals, working to get back to the American lines. Sadly, he gets killed by a sniper while protecting and helping a little boy to safety.

The reporter who is covering the story works with the locals to bring him back for a heroes burial. On Valentine’s Day, so many years later, the wife goes to the train station, but today is different for her. Today, they bring her husband home. A full military detail brings him to a heroes burial. The military brings her her husband’s effects, complete with the valentine and the photo of her and their baby.

This story tells so much about the unselfishness of love. A soldiers love for his country and a couples love for one another. It is sweet and endearing and I highly recommend it!

Until Next Time!


PS. Do you have a movie or story you want to recommend? I’d love it if you would share!

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